
This is a starter project for the Texas Instruments CC3200 LaunchPad using TI-RTOS

Primary LanguageC

Example Introduction

This example project provides a starting point for using the "full" TI-RTOS implementation with the CC3200 LaunchPad. This is different to the TI-RTOS implementation included in the CC3200 SDK examples. As this TI-RTOS implementation, not only includes SYS/BIOS components of TI-RTOS, but also includes the peripheral drivers that are supplied with TI-RTOS.

This has the advantage of making the project more self contained and easier to distribute. It also makes for porting to other TI-RTOS supported MCUs and Processors much easier, including later incarnations of the CC3200. Hence your code will be simplier to upgrade, when that time comes.

Example Summary

The project controls the LEDs on the CC3200 LaunchPad depending on UDP Packet received. See details on how to use below.

The program loads the startproject Task statically. This can be changed via the cfg script tab of the startproject.cfg

SimpleLink Library

There is a library included (simplelinklibrary.c) which contains many useful functions that are required when developing applications with the CC3200. These include mDNS, device names, MAC address, date and time and more.

The startproject contains examples for most of the library functions, these can be removed if not needed.

Step For Cloning Repository

If you wish to contribute to the development of this example, please view the detailed step at the following link to see how you can clone this repository to be used with Code Composure Studio.


Setup Steps

You will need to have Code Composure Studio (CCS) v6 or later installed and TI-RTOS for SimpleLink will also need to be installed. This can be done via App Center, which can be accessed from within CCS via the View menu (CCS App Center)

It is assumed that you have the CC3200 SDK installed in the default location on the c: drive. The version that is used is CC3200SDK_1.0.0. if you are using a later version of the SDK, then you will need to update references to the project.

If you have difficulties, you can find additional details on setting up the project to work with TI-RTOS at this webpage: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/TI-RTOS_CC3200Wireless

Peripherals Exercised

  • Board_LED0 - CC3200_LP_LED_D7 - Red LED

  • Board_LED1 - CC3200_LP_LED_D6 - Orange LED

  • Board_LED2 - CC3200_LP_LED_D5 - Green LED

  • Board_BUTTON1 - CC3200_LP_SW3 - Button SW3

  • WIFI - Wi-Fi is used in this example

Example Usage

Run the example. All the 3 LEDS (Green, Orange and Red will turn on) to indicate that the program has entered main.

You can connect to the Wi-Fi network using either Station or Access Point modes. By default, it is set up to use SmartConfig in Station Mode (you will need to download the SimpleLink App from Apple App Store or Google Play). If you wish you can also set it up in Access Point mode, by holding down Button (SW3) when starting the LaunchPad (or you can edit the code appropriately)

Green light is on when in Station Mode (unless you altered code) Green light is off when in AccessPoint Mode (unless you altered code)

Once connected to the network, you can now toggle LEDs by sending UDP packets to the CC3200 LaunchPad on port 4000

Control LED by Sending UDP Packet

The following HEX data sent on UDP port 4000 will control the specific LED.

  • Send FF00 to turn Red light off

  • Send FF11 to turn Red light on

  • Send EE00 to turn Orange light off

  • Send EE11 to turn Orange light on

Tool To Use To Send UDP Packets

There are many tools available to send UDP packets. An easy one that I have used successfully and is free is the UDP Test Tool from SCT - https://www.simplecomtools.com/productcart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=6&

There are many UDP packet senders for every platform available.

Control LEDs by Using Apple iOS App

If you wish, you can use the iOS app provided on this Github account to control the LEDs. The App will send the UDP packets and it provides a starting point for communicating with the CC3200 via an iOS App. The repository name is startproject_ios - https://github.com/remixed123/startproject_ios