
This is an iOS App that communicates in UDP to the TI CC3200 LaunchPad running startproject_cc3200_ti-rtos

Primary LanguageObjective-C

StartProject iOS

This is an iOS App (iPhone) that communicates in UDP to the TI CC3200 LaunchPad running the startproject_cc3200_ti-rtos project - https://github.com/remixed123/startproject_cc3200_ti-rtos


The following features have been implemented

  • Control the CC3200 LaunchPad's Red or Orange LED by pressing ON or OFF within the App
  • Press a button to open a browser which loads the CC3200 LaunchPad's internal webserver configuration
  • Press a button to open this Github repository

Technology Used

  • It uses mDNS to automatically find the CC3200 and then use the appropraite IP address
  • It uses Async Sockets library to send UDP packets
  • It uses NSUserDefaults to store the IP address
  • It has a gradient function to create a gradient background, this can be configured to different colors