
Resume of my set of skills

Renan Thiago da Silva Rosa

Studying web and mobile development with .Net Core, React, and Xamarin.

🏠 Brazil - Belém - PA
📱 +55 (91) 998291510
📧 renannojosa@gmail.com

Hi recruiter 😃, I hope my story keeps you entertained until the end of the page, thanks for taking an interest in my resume 🔰.

🔔 About me

My name is Renan Rosa. I'm passionate about creating apps that help people to solve real-world problems or, at least help them to save time. I am currently focusing on .Net Core, React, and Xamarin! in my spare time, I usually read books or listen to podcasts, but my biggest joy nowadays is learning to be a better programmer, so in my vacant time I also dedicate to learning and self-improvement.

🎓 Educational Background

Federal University of Pará (UFPA) - Bachelor degree in Computer Science

💻 Experience

  • Test analyst with Selenium Java (January 2017 - January 2018)
  • Description:
    • In search of new challenges, I joined as an intern at TRT8 to learn and grow from more experienced developers. My main task was to write and run test scrips with selenium web driver to assert if the product developed was free from bugs and generate reports about the software based on the result of these tests. In addition to that, I also was responsible to write, extend, or correct documentation about test cases.

📚 Knowledges

📌 General

  • Advanced Programming Logic.
  • Good English, able to read and comprehend.
  • Good knowledge of SQL databases.
  • Database Modeling (DER).
  • Unit & Integration tests.
  • Design Patterns.
  • Docker.

🐧 Operational Systems

  • Linux.
  • Windows.

🌊 Front-end

  • HTML / CSS
  • JavaScript
    • ReactJs
    • JQuery

🔥 Back-end

  • C#
    • .Net Core
  • Python
    • Flask

📱 Mobile

  • Xamarin

💪 Other Programming Languages

  • C / C++
  • Java
  • kotlin
  • Prolog
  • TypeScript

💾 Data Base

  • MySQL
  • Sql Server
  • MongoDB

:octocat: Version Control Systems

  • Git / GitHub.

☁️ Platform as a service

  • Heroku

📂 Projects

  • Ekklésia: Open source web application that manages a small church and its affairs.
  • Golden Leaf: Open source web application and API that manages a local, small, market built with Flask.
  • Golden Leaf Back-End: A web API that meat to manage product, clients, and transactions built with .Net Core.
  • Golden Leaf Mobile: A Cross-Platform mobile application that consumes the API provided by the Golden Leaf Api.
  • Stock Front-End: A single-page application designed to manage small products, clients, and sales built with ReactJS.
  • Stock Back-End: A web API meat to manage a stock of small products a list of clients and sales built with .Net Core.
  • TSbanck: A simple web app written in typescript.
  • Fiado: A simple web app meant to manage notes regarding sales.
  • TestDrive: A multiplatform app meant to schedule test drives.
  • Apeperia: A simple responsive web page of an app store.
  • Fruteria: A simple responsive web page of a fruit market.
  • Game Store: A simple responsive web page of an app store.

🚩 What do I study? How do I study?

  • I am currently a student at Alura, seeking knowledge in the aforementioned stacks and best practices, always aiming to increase my productivity. In addition, I always try to test my new knowledge acquired in a project.

  • As I said, I'm always looking forward to putting into practice knowledge learned in a project. Here you can see a list with all courses I have finished.

  • In addition to all I've already written, I attempt to improve my knowledge of stacks and technologies that I already know. I also try to get to know more about a subject by researching, reading books, or listening to podcasts. I solve most of my daily problems with researches, I'm adept at agile methodologies like Scrum.