Set up Raspberry pi using NOOBS

Download NOOBS and boot Raspberry Pi


Set up the operating system using Monitor and Keyboard.

Enable ssh



Get the Ip adress of the raspberry pi. Make sure the raspberry pi is in the same network as your computer


Connect to the raspberry pi using ssh

   ssh pi@<your pi IP>

Enable I2c

    sudo raspi-config

install I2C utilities

    sudo apt-get install python-smbus i2c-tools

Restart Pi

    sudo reboot

[ Optional ] Installing rmate for remote file editing

To edit files locally on your PC you need to set up rmate. Otherwise all editing of the files has to be done over ssh using console line editor like nano or vim.

  1. Install rmate client on raspberry pi.

        pip install install rmate
  2. Install an editor locally to edit the files. Must support the rmate plugin. e.g. Install Visual Studio Code, install Rmate Plugin, follow instruction from the plugin (https://medium.com/@prtdomingo/editing-files-in-your-linux-virtual-machine-made-a-lot-easier-with-remote-vscode-6bb98d0639a4) and start local server.

  3. Connect back to the Raspberry pi

        ssh -R 52698: pi@<Raspberry Pi IP>
  4. To edit e file remotely enter:

    rmate "yourFile.py"

Setting up the flask Backend Server

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone --depth 1 https://gitlab.ethz.ch/zrene/pulp-demonstrator.git
    cd pulp-demonstrator
  2. Install the backend related requirements

    cd Server
    cd backend
    sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting up the Angular Frontend Server

  1. Install frontend related dependencies

    • Easiest way to handle node related dependencies is to install nvm
    • Once you have node installed, install the project's dependencies
    cd ..
    cd front
    # install global dependencies
    npm install typescript -g
    # install project related dependencies
    npm install
    # run server
    ng serve --host
  2. Now navigate to http://<Your RPI IP>:4200