code with the AAAI'24 paper - "Large-Scale Multi-Robot Coverage Path Planning via Local Search"

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repository is the implementation of the boundary editing operators and the local search framework for the graph-based multi-robot coverage path planning problem from the following paper:

Jingtao Tang and Hang Ma. "Large-Scale Multi-Robot Coverage Path Planning via Local Search." AAAI 2024. [paper], [simulation], [project]

Please cite this paper if you use this code for the multi-robot coverage path planning problem.


pip install -r requirements.txt


python main.py [-h] [--init_sol_type INIT_SOL_TYPE] [--prio_type PRIO_TYPE] [--M M] [--S S] [--gamma GAMMA] [--tf TF] [--scale SCALE] [--write WRITE] [--verbose VERBOSE] istc
  • Required:
    • istc: the instance name stored in directory 'data/instances' or 'MIP-MCPP/data/instances'.
  • Optional:
    • --init_sol_type INIT_SOL_TYPE: Initial solution type. Choose from {VOR, MFC, MSTCStar, MIP} (default=MFC)
    • -prio_type PRIO_TYPE: Operator sampling type. Choose from {Heur, Rand} (default=Heur)
    • --M M: Max iteration (default=3e3)
    • --S S: Forced deduplication step size (default=100)
    • --gamma GAMMA: Pool weight decaying factor (default=1e-2)
    • --tf TF: The final temperature used to calculate the temperature decaying factor
    • --scale SCALE: Plot scaling factor
    • --verbose VERBOSE: Is verbose printing
    • --write WRITE: Is writing the solution
    • --record RECORD: Is recording the path costs of each iteration
    • --draw DRAW: Is drawing the final solution
    • --random_remove RANDOM_REMOVE: Is randomly making 20 percentage of terrain vertices incomplete

File Structure

  • main.py: LS-MCPP main function
  • exp_plot.py: functions related to experiments in the paper
  • record_simulation.py: recorder for MCPP simulation
  • MIP-MCPP: repo of the work "Mixed Integer Programming for Time-Optimal Multi-Robot Coverage Path Planning With Efficient Heuristics"
  • data/
    • instances: the three very large-scale MCPP instances adopted from MAPF benchmark
    • MIP_solutions: MMRTC MIP solutions for the MCPP instances
    • runrecords: running results of the experiements in the paper
  • LS_MCPP/
    • estc.py: the Extended STC algorithm
    • graph.py: class of the decomposed graph
    • local_search.py: the proposed local search framework for MCPP
    • operator.py: the three boundary editing operators
    • pool.py: class of operator pool
    • solution.py: class of the MCPP solution
    • utils.py: other ultility functions


LS-MCPP is released under the GPL version 3. See LICENSE.txt for further details.