Handy toolbelt to deal nicely with offline/online connectivity in a React Native app. Smooth redux integration ✈️
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Cannot read property 'isConnected' of undefined when use ReduxNetworkProvider
#384 opened by MaiiaZeinalova - 1
retrieve network connectivity as well instead of just internet access
#383 opened by thoughtworks-tcaceres - 5
useIsConnected returns null initially in 6+
#377 opened by justinadkins - 0
Custom headers are ignored
#382 opened by iamalismith - 6
Incompatible with react-redux v8
#357 opened by geraintwhite - 0
Reorder in queue
#381 opened by superyarik - 0
Getting TypeError in a Promise reject
#380 opened by wrldh - 9
How to use in redux toolkit?
#301 opened by sankar9659 - 0
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www.google.com/sorry/index 405
#364 opened by justinadkins - 4
Saga side effect not being called after an action is auto dispatched from the `actionQueue` (When network state changes from offline to online)
#325 opened by kusalshrestha - 0
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Help Needed while re-starting/opening the app for POST type REST API with Redux Saga
#361 opened by pankaj9singh - 1
Intercept and queue actions after errors
#365 opened by kosbog - 3
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Upgrade Example App for current Expo Go version
#339 opened by charlestbell - 4
[Question] Compatibility with RTK Query
#353 opened by cseelus - 4
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Problems with the connection in some devices
#341 opened by shardaishwak - 4
Still in active development ?
#338 opened by tsiory - 2
Improve documentation
#340 opened by charlestbell - 2
[Question] redux thunks is it necessary?
#337 opened by chernandezq - 2
Many Retries
#334 opened by ryskin - 3
Expo: on the web not working.
#316 opened by sergeushenecz - 5
Finish web support started in #253
#291 opened by colmbrady - 2
Is NetInfo v6 supported?
#324 opened by KDederichs - 11
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Getting "undefined is not an object (evaluating 'state.network.isConnected')" while using it with redux-persist and redux-thunk
#323 opened by Akashdeep312 - 2
Package includes the whole netinfo module which causes netinfo mocks to not work for this package
#320 opened by Grohden - 2
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ConnectedReduxNetworkProvider cannot be named without a reference to types
#302 opened by AndreaGProg - 3
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Dismiss doesn't work with fetchOfflineMode when online
#296 opened by Gueoff - 3
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React native expo example app doesn't seem to work
#289 opened by Kulgar - 2
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Failed API request was not added into offline queue when using redux-saga
#295 opened by CrushyChilli - 6
Split README in a better package documentation
#288 opened by helderberto - 2
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Check when action queue is being released
#287 opened by mohameddroussi - 7
Intercept actions and re-add to the queue when throws errors like "Network Error"
#284 opened by helderberto - 1
How to use this library for RN<60 ?
#279 opened by sauravjmt - 0
Offline Queue only works with redux?
#280 opened by brunomartinezciompi - 5
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