If you want to build this project from source, then you need the following dependencies:
- A working MSVC C/C++ compiler, or the latest GCC compiler.
- To visualize the CCD algorithm, you need Raylib.
Note: While a building alternative for the MSVC C/C++ compiler is provided, I strongly recommend using the MSVC compiler for easier integration.
On Windows 11 (Command Prompt), get precompiled binaries (included in the lib/
$ git clone https://github.com/rhuibertsjr/inverse-kinematics.git
On Windows 11 (MinGW64/Msys2)
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-raylib
On Windows 11 (Command Prompt)
$ build
On Windows 11 (MinGW64)
$ ./build.sh
On Windows 11 (Command Prompt)
$ build --no-raylib
On Windows 11 (MinGW64)
$ ./build.sh --no-raylib
On Windows 11 (Command Prompt)
$ .\bin\core.exe
On Windows 11 (MinGW64)
$ ./bin/myprogram.exe