I love Machine Learning, Python, Web Development, Problem-solving
MyMedicalHUB International Ltd.USA
Pinned Repositories
If you are a searching for Standard problems for your coding interview, you may hear the book whose name is 'Cracking Coding Interview'. There are total 189 important problems solved by JAVA. In this repo I will do these using Python
The website is made for showing a person's skills, experiences, educational history, previous and present projects, services, contact information etc.
Image CRUD is very important for creating CMS for any website. Proper guideline can't be found easily for creating Image CRUD in Django Framework. I have made an simple Image CRUD application which can be helpful for anyone Django beginner.
Django Login and Registration System
This is my first react js website. I made this for increasing my knowledge about react js and front end development. The site is live at https://riaz-khan-16.github.io/ecommerce-reactjs/
This project was built to test and showcase my understanding of computer vision This project was built using OpenCV. OpenCV, face_recognition, Numpy, OS library are used in this project. In this project, we use the OpenCV library of python which is used for analyzing all types of images and videos. From the OpenCV library imread(), imshow(),imwrite(),cvtColor(),waitkey(),resize(),destroyAllWindows() etc functions are used. Many mathematical functions from numpy library are used for this project. face_recognition is a simple library which have been used in this project including functions like - face_encodings(),face_locations(),compare_faces(),face_distance() etc.It is used for real-time face recognition and it is built using a deep learning model of Geitgey. The os module of python is used for interacting with the operating system.
This section provides the outcomes of using machine learning models to categorize transformers into excellent, good, medium, bad, or extremely poor categories. SVM, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and Random Forest classifiers are trained with the dataset for this purpose.
This application will help a person to get their desired person for marriage easily. A person can search the types of person he or she likes and view the details of the person. If he likes any person he can propose to that person by using this app. On the other hand, he can create his own profile.
Here is a list of topic-wise 500+ DSA problems: - Array - Searching - Sorting - String - Recursion - Bitwise - OOP - LinkedList, - Stack-Queue which I made by collecting suggestions from different types of people, especially from Kunal Kushwaha. The problems sources: - Leetcode - GeeksforGeeks
riaz-khan-16's Repositories
This project was built to test and showcase my understanding of computer vision This project was built using OpenCV. OpenCV, face_recognition, Numpy, OS library are used in this project. In this project, we use the OpenCV library of python which is used for analyzing all types of images and videos. From the OpenCV library imread(), imshow(),imwrite(),cvtColor(),waitkey(),resize(),destroyAllWindows() etc functions are used. Many mathematical functions from numpy library are used for this project. face_recognition is a simple library which have been used in this project including functions like - face_encodings(),face_locations(),compare_faces(),face_distance() etc.It is used for real-time face recognition and it is built using a deep learning model of Geitgey. The os module of python is used for interacting with the operating system.
Here is a list of topic-wise 500+ DSA problems: - Array - Searching - Sorting - String - Recursion - Bitwise - OOP - LinkedList, - Stack-Queue which I made by collecting suggestions from different types of people, especially from Kunal Kushwaha. The problems sources: - Leetcode - GeeksforGeeks
If you are a searching for Standard problems for your coding interview, you may hear the book whose name is 'Cracking Coding Interview'. There are total 189 important problems solved by JAVA. In this repo I will do these using Python
The website is made for showing a person's skills, experiences, educational history, previous and present projects, services, contact information etc.
Image CRUD is very important for creating CMS for any website. Proper guideline can't be found easily for creating Image CRUD in Django Framework. I have made an simple Image CRUD application which can be helpful for anyone Django beginner.
Django Login and Registration System
This is my first react js website. I made this for increasing my knowledge about react js and front end development. The site is live at https://riaz-khan-16.github.io/ecommerce-reactjs/
This is an eCommerce website. I made this website using raw PHP. It takes 12 days for me to develop the website from scratch. I took help from different youtube videos, w3schhol, and some other tutorials. As a beginner, it helps me a lot to understand backend development using PHP.
This is an Ecommerce website made with React Js, Node Js, MongoDB and Express JS. React Js is being used for front end development and the Express frame work is being used for backend development and the MongoDB is being used as a database. I am using REST API here which can be easily made by node js.
This section provides the outcomes of using machine learning models to categorize transformers into excellent, good, medium, bad, or extremely poor categories. SVM, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and Random Forest classifiers are trained with the dataset for this purpose.
This application will help a person to get their desired person for marriage easily. A person can search the types of person he or she likes and view the details of the person. If he likes any person he can propose to that person by using this app. On the other hand, he can create his own profile.
About myself, my projects, work experiences and many more
This is my first project using ReactJS. React JS is awesome which i have realized doing this project. It helps me to learn basic and intermediate levels of react JS library
MY profile here
This is a full application build of the story writing app which uses Node Js, Express Js, MongoDB, Passport Js with a Google OAuth strategy, and more. In designing part with the normal HTML CSS I also used material UI for better quality. Handlebars with different types of helpers are used as the templating language.
Description: This is a full application build of the story writing app which uses Node Js, Express Js, MongoDB, Passport Js with a Google OAuth strategy, and more. In designing part with the normal HTML CSS I also used material UI for better quality. Handlebars with different types of helpers are used as the templating language.
A model is made from the data set of 950 cricket match. It can take 19 input parameters and predict the winner team.
The Home Price Prediction App is a web application designed to estimate the price of a home based on user-provided inputs. Utilizing the power of machine learning, specifically a linear regression model, this application provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to input various features of a house and receive a predicted price.