After diving into Python I thought it would be better to learn Django for the Integration of Machine Learning Solutions. So, I learned about Django’s MVT workflow, REST Framework, Database Designing, and Session management and took hands-on experiences by making a funny application ‘ Marriage Partner Finder App’. The features are a Login and Registration system for the person who wants to marry, propose to the desired person, Check a lot of profiles, and know more about a person. Django, SQLite, and Bootstrap are used as development tools.
The goal of this project is to help general people for their marriage partner finding.
A person who is not able to tell his parents about his marriage or he has no ability
to find a partner directly this app is for him/her. Finding a partner for marriage is not easy today.
People haven't enough time to explore the whole country and find the desirable person in the traditional way.
This is a waste of time. To overcome the problem this application comes up. Using this app anyone can:
*Find his or her desired person
*Can upload his or her profile
*Can propose a person
*Can choose a persona by observing various things like height, age, face color, etc
The database is designed using Django and SQLite. A RESTFUL API is made for the profile making of a person. Using the Django REST framework it was possible. There are many web pages here. All of them are made by using the Bootstrap library. The basic structure of the web pages is made of HTML and CSS. Making the web pages mobile-friendly is a challenge. Bootstrap library helped me to make the task easy. Therefore custom CSS was also required for making the pages attractive and nice looking. The whole project was built up using Visual Studio Code Editor. The project was run in a virtual environment.