
Code for the paper "Addressing Model Vulnerability to Distributional Shifts over Image Transformation Sets", ICCV 2019

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Code for the paper Addressing Model Vulnerability to Distributional Shifts over Image Transformation Sets


The code in this repo allows

  1. Testing the vulnerability of (black-box) models via random search and evolution search over arbitrary transformation sets.

  2. Training more robust models via the RDA/RSDA/ESDA algorithms presented in the paper.

Here a small ConvNet and the MNIST dataset are used, but applying these tools to arbitrary tasks/models is straightforward. Feel free to drop me a message if any feedback can be helpful.


model.py: to build tf's graph

train_ops.py: train/test functions

search_ops.py: search algos (RS/ES from the paper)

transformations_ops.py: modules to build image transformation set and apply transformations

exp_config: config file with the hyperparameters

Some pretrained models are available in a heavier version of this repo.


Python 2.7, Tensorflow 1.12.0

How it works

To obtain MNIST and SVHN dataset, run

mkdir data
python download_and_process_mnist.py
sh download_svhn.sh

To train the model, run

python main.py --mode=train_MODE --gpu=GPU_IDX --exp_dir=EXP_DIR

where MODE can be one of {ERM, RDA, RSDA, ESDA}, GPU_IDX is the index of the GPU to be used, and EXP_DIR is the folder containing the exp_config file.

To run evolution search (ES) or random search (RS) on a trained model, run

python main.py --mode=test_MODE --gpu=GPU_IDX --exp_dir=EXP_DIR

where MODE can be one of {RS, ES}. For ES, population size POP_SIZE and mutation rate ETA can be set as

python main.py --mode=test_ES --gpu=GPU_IDX --exp_dir=EXP_DIR --pop_size=POP_SIZE --mutation_rate=ETA

To test performance on all digit datasets (MNIST, SVHN, MNIST-M, SYN, USPS), run

python main.py --mode=test_all --gpu=GPU_IDX --exp_dir=EXP_DIR

Testing MNIST-M, SYN and USPS is commented out.

If one desires to include more transformations, or explore different intensity intervals, modifications to transformations_ops.py should be straightforward.


Addressing Model Vulnerability to Distributional Shifts over Image Transformation Sets
Riccardo Volpi and Vittorio Murino, ICCV 2019

    author = {Volpi, Riccardo and Murino, Vittorio},
    title = {Addressing Model Vulnerability to Distributional Shifts Over Image Transformation Sets},
    booktitle = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month = {October},
    year = {2019}