Code for the paper "Addressing Model Vulnerability to Distributional Shifts over Image Transformation Sets", ICCV 2019
- 0shimaxJapan
- 1436622860
- Brownchen武汉
- CodingBoOGuangdong University of Technology
- cuguilkeMicrosoft
- Cypherlcj
- eugenelawrence
- gokriznasticNortheastern University
- hxynjk
- james20141606New York University
- jindongwang@microsoft
- jinggewTsinghua University
- jofferyUniversity of Delaware
- KaiyangZhou
- KingMVBeijing jiaotong University
- KiwiXRBeijing Institute of Technology
- Learning2021
- lifuyu
- llzhaoshuoShenyang,Liaoning
- pmorerioIstituto Italiano di Tecnologia
- sun254667307
- TLMichaelSchool of AI, Nanjing University
- TotalVariationAIRC, Ulster University
- WANGXinyiLindaUCSB
- wangyue7777
- yuezhixiong
- zhxiemlSJTU