
The Rimcoin Paper about how this new currency works.

Rimcoin Protocol

Rimcoin is a digital P2P currency; that is de-centralized.

Figure A

HTTP Server:


  • a list of all balances
  • a list of all other servers (AKA nodes)
  • the ability to contact another node
  • a target node


Alice has 5 Rimcoin. Bob has 2.6 Rimcoin.

Alice broadcasts to a random node, Node A, send 2 Rimcoin to Bob. And here is my proof ID, to prove I own these Rimcoin.

Next, Node A updates it's balance file, then contacts all other nodes with the same data.

Now, the Rimcoin network agrees that this is the balance file:

Alice has 3 Rimcoin.

Bob has 4.6 Rimcoin.


When a new node joins, they contact a random node, to get the current nodes, and adds itself. Then, it contacts all other nodes, informing them a new node has joined, and this is their data.


Rimcoin uses mining.

Rimcoin does not use a blockchain, so Rimcoin mining is simply finding a hash below a certain value.

You will ALWAYS be rewarded 50 coins, when you find a hash.


RNP is the Rimcoin Network Protocol, and it's documentation is here