
PX4 avoidance ROS node for obstacle detection and avoidance.

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Obstacle Detection and Avoidance

PX4 computer vision algorithms packaged as ROS nodes for depth sensor fusion and obstacle avoidance. This repository contains two different implementations:

  • local_planner is a local VFH+* based planner that plans (including some history) in a vector field histogram
  • global_planner is a global, graph based planner that plans in a traditional octomap occupancy grid

The two algorithms are standalone and they are not meant to be used together.

The local_planner requires less computational power but it doesn't compute optimal paths towards the goal since it doesn't store information about the already explored environment. On the other hand, the global_planner is computatonally more expensive since it builds a map of the environment. For the map to be good enough for navigation, accurate global position and heading are required.

Note The development team is right now focused on the local_planner.

The documentation contains information about how to setup and run the two planner systems on the Gazebo simulator and on a companion computer running Ubuntu 16.04, for both avoidance and collision prevention use cases.

Note PX4-side setup is covered in the PX4 User Guide:

Bi-weekly Dev Call

The active developers of the avoidance repo are syncing up on a bi-weekly basis on the WG dev call.

PX4 Avoidance video

Table of Contents

Getting Started


Quick Start with Docker

A ROS container based on Ubuntu 16.04 has been created and can be used to quickly try the simulation, as a demo. Running it is as simple as installing docker and docker-compose, and running $ docker-compose up from the right folder. Find the corresponding instructions here.

For deployment instructions, check "Deploying with Docker".

If you want to leverage docker in your development environment, check the "Developing with Docker" section.

Installation for Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic

This is a step-by-step guide to install and build all the prerequisites for running this module on Ubuntu 16.04. You might want to skip some of them if your system is already partially installed. A corresponding docker container is defined here as reference.

Note that in the following instructions, we assume your catkin workspace (in which we will build the avoidance module) is in ~/catkin_ws, and the PX4 Firmware directory is ~/Firmware. Feel free to adapt this to your situation.

  1. Add ROS to sources.list.

    echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list
    apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-key 421C365BD9FF1F717815A3895523BAEEB01FA116
    apt-get update
  2. Install gazebo with ROS.

    apt install ros-kinetic-desktop-full
    # Source ROS
    source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
  3. Initialize rosdep.

    rosdep init
    rosdep update
  4. Install catkin and create your catkin workspace directory.

    apt install python-catkin-tools
    mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
  5. Install mavros. The package coming from the ROS repository should be fine. Just in case, instructions to install it from sources can be found here: https://dev.px4.io/en/ros/mavros_installation.html.

    apt install ros-kinetic-mavros ros-kinetic-mavros-extras
  6. Install the geographiclib dataset

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mavlink/mavros/master/mavros/scripts/install_geographiclib_datasets.sh
    sudo ./install_geographiclib_datasets.sh
  7. Install avoidance module dependencies (pointcloud library and octomap).

    apt install libpcl1 ros-kinetic-octomap-* ros-kinetic-yaml-*
  8. Clone this repository in your catkin workspace in order to build the avoidance node.

    cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    git clone https://github.com/PX4/avoidance.git
  9. Actually build the avoidance node.

    catkin build -w ~/catkin_ws

    Note that you can build the node in release mode this way:

    catkin build -w ~/catkin_ws --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  10. Source the catkin setup.bash from your catkin workspace.

    source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Run the Avoidance Gazebo Simulation

In the following section we guide you trough installing and running a Gazebo simulation of both local and global planner.

Build and Run the Simulator

  1. Clone the PX4 Firmware and all its submodules (it may take some time).

    cd ~
    git clone https://github.com/PX4/Firmware.git
    cd ~/Firmware
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Install PX4 dependencies. A complete list is available on the PX4 Dev Guide.

  3. We will now build the Firmware once in order to generate SDF model files for Gazebo. This step will actually run a simulation that you can directly quit.

    # Add the models from the avoidance module to GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH
    export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=${GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH}:~/catkin_ws/src/avoidance/sim/models
    # This is necessary to prevent some Qt-related errors (feel free to try to omit it)
    export QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1
    # Setup some more Gazebo-related environment variables
    . ~/Firmware/Tools/setup_gazebo.bash ~/Firmware ~/Firmware/build/px4_sitl_default
    # Build and run simulation
    make px4_sitl_default gazebo
  4. Add the Firmware directory to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH so that ROS can start PX4.

    export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=${ROS_PACKAGE_PATH}:~/Firmware

You should now be ready to run the simulation using local or global planner.

Global Planner

This section shows how to start the global_planner and use it for avoidance in offboard mode.

roslaunch global_planner global_planner_sitl_mavros.launch

You should now see the drone unarmed on the ground, and the octomap should show 2 red arrows and the visible world, as pictured below.

Screenshot showing gazebo and rviz

To start flying, put the drone in OFFBOARD mode and arm it. The avoidance node will then take control of it.

# In another terminal
rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c OFFBOARD
rosrun mavros mavsafety arm

Initially the drone should just hover at 3.5m altitude.

From the command line, you can also make Gazebo follow the drone, if you want.

gz camera --camera-name=gzclient_camera --follow=iris

During the simulation, the ROS node "/path_handler_node" continuously publishes positions to the topic "/mavros/setpoint_position/local".

The graph of the ROS nodes is shown below:

Graph showing the ROS nodes and their links

One can plan a new path by setting a new goal with the 2D Nav Goal button in rviz. The planned path should show up in rviz and the drone should follow the path, updating it when obstacles are detected. It is also possible to set a goal without using the obstacle avoidance (i.e. the drone will go straight to this goal and potentially collide with obstacles). To do so, set the position with the 2D Pose Estimate button in rviz.

Local Planner

This section shows how to start the local_planner and use it for avoidance in mission or offboard mode.

The planner is based on the 3DVFH+ algorithm. To run the algorithm it is possible to

  • simulate a forward looking stereo camera running OpenCV's block matching algorithm

    # if stereo-image-proc not yet installed
    sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-stereo-image-proc
    roslaunch local_planner local_planner_stereo.launch

    The disparity map from stereo-image-proc is published as a stereo_msgs/DisparityImage message, which is not supported by rviz or rqt. To visualize the message, either run:

    rosrun image_view stereo_view stereo:=/stereo image:=image_rect_color

    or publish the DisparityImage as a simple sensor_msgs/Image

    rosrun topic_tools transform /stereo/disparity /stereo/disparity_image sensor_msgs/Image 'm.image'

    Now the disparity map can be visualized by rviz or rqt under the topic /stereo/disparity_image.

  • simulate a forward looking kinect depth sensor:

    roslaunch local_planner local_planner_depth-camera.launch
  • simulate a three kinect depth sensors:

    roslaunch local_planner local_planner_sitl_3cam.launch

You will see the Iris drone unarmed in the Gazebo world. To start flying, there are two options: OFFBOARD or MISSION mode. For OFFBOAD, run:

# In another terminal
rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c OFFBOARD
rosrun mavros mavsafety arm

The drone will first change its altitude to reach the goal height. It is possible to modify the goal altitude with rqt_reconfigure GUI. Screenshot rqt_reconfigure goal height Then the drone will start moving towards the goal. The default x, y goal position can be changed in Rviz by clicking on the 2D Nav Goal button and then choosing the new goal x and y position by clicking on the visualized gray space. If the goal has been set correctly, a yellow sphere will appear where you have clicked in the grey world. Screenshot rviz goal selection

For MISSIONS, open QGroundControl and plan a mission as described here. Set the parameter MPC_OBS_AVOID true. Start the mission and the vehicle will fly the mission waypoints dynamically recomputing the path such that it is collision free.

Run on Hardware



Both planners require a 3D point cloud of type sensor_msgs::PointCloud2. Any camera that can provide such data is compatible.

The officially supported camera is Intel Realsense D435. We recommend using Firmware version The instructions on how to update the Firmware of the camera can be found here

Tip: Be careful when attaching the camera with a USB3 cable. USB3 might might interfere with GPS and other signals. If possible, always use USB2 cables.

Other tested camera models are: Intel Realsense D415 and R200.

Generating Point-clouds from Depth-maps

In case the point-cloud stream already exists, this step can be skipped.

Assuming there already exists a stream of depth-maps on the ROS-topic <depthmap_topic>, we need to generate a corresponding stream of depth-maps. Start by following the instructions from PX4/disparity_to_point_cloud. Now run the point-cloud generation with the parameters for the camera intrinsics:

rosrun disparity_to_point_cloud disparity_to_point_cloud_node \
    fx_:=fx fy_:=fy cx_:=cx cy_:=cy base_line_:=base_line disparity:=<depthmap_topic>

A stream of point-clouds should now be published to /point_cloud.

PX4 Autopilot

Parameters to set through QGC:

  • MPC_OBS_AVOID to Enabled
  • MAV_1_CONFIG, MAV_1_MODE, SER_TEL2_BAUD to enable MAVLink on a serial port. For more information: PX4 Dev Guide

Companion Computer

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04 OS or a docker container running Ubuntu 16.04 must be setup (e.g. if using on a Yocto based system).
  • ROS Kinetic: see Installation
  • Other Required Components for Intel Realsense:

Tested models:

  • local planner: Intel NUC, Jetson TX2, Intel Atom x7-Z8750 (built-in on Intel Aero RTF drone)
  • global planner: Odroid

Global Planner

The global planner has been so far tested on a Odroid companion computer by the development team.

For more information, read the Running on Odroid instructions.

Local Planner

Once the catkin workspace has been built, to run the planner with a Realsense D435 camera launch local_planner_example.launch editing the arguments:

  1. tf_* representing the displacement between the camera and the flight controller
  2. fcu_url representing the port connecting the companion computer to the flight controller
  3. serial_no_camera_front representing the Realsense serial number

For example:

roslaunch local_planner local_planner_example.launch tf_x:=0.20 tf_y:=0.0 tf_z:=-0.2

The planner is running correctly when

[OA] Planning started, using 1 cameras

is displayed on the console.

The local planner supports also multi camera setups. local_planner_example.launch needs to be modified by:

  1. launching one RealSense nodlet (rs_depthcloud.launch) for each camera making sure that each of them has a unique namespace
  2. launch one static_transform_publisher node for each camera

An example of a three camera launch file is local_planner_A700_3cam.launch.


I see the drone position in rviz (shown as a red arrow), but the world around is empty

Check that some camera topics (including /camera/depth/points) are published with the following command:

rostopic list | grep camera

If /camera/depth/points is the only one listed, it may be a sign that gazebo is not actually publishing data from the simulated depth camera. Verify this claim by running:

rostopic echo /camera/depth/points

When everything runs correctly, the previous command should show a lot of unreadable data in the terminal. If you don't receive any message, it probably means that gazebo is not publishing the camera data.

Check that the clock is being published by Gazebo:

rostopic echo /clock

If it is not, you have a problem with Gazebo (Did it finish loading the world? Do you see the buildings and the drone in the Gazebo UI?). However, if it is publishing the clock, then it might be a problem with the depth camera plugin. Make sure the package ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-pkgs is installed. If not, install it and rebuild the Firmware (with $ make px4_sitl_default gazebo as explained above).

I see the drone and world in rviz, but the drone does not move when I set a new "2D Nav Goal"

Is the drone in OFFBOARD mode? Is it armed and flying?

# Set the drone to OFFBOARD mode
rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c OFFBOARD
# Arm
rosrun mavros mavsafety arm

I see the drone and world in rviz, but the drone does not follow the path properly

Some tuning may be required in the file "<Firmware_dir>/posix-configs/SITL/init/rcS_gazebo_iris".

I see the drone and world in rviz, I am in OFFBOARD mode, but the planner is still not working

Some parameters that can be tuned in rqt reconfigure.


Message Flows

More information about the communication between avoidance system and the Autopilot can be found in the PX4 User Guide

PX4 and local planner

This is the complete message flow from PX4 Firmware to the local planner.

PX4 topic MAVLink MAVROS Plugin ROS Msgs. ROS Topic
vehicle_local_position LOCAL_POSITION_NED local_position geometry_msgs::PoseStamped mavros/local_position/pose
vehicle_local_position LOCAL_POSITION_NED local_position geometry_msgs::TwistStamped mavros/local_position/velocity
vehicle_local_position ALTITUDE altitude mavros_msgs::Altitude mavros/altitude
home_position ALTITUDE altitude mavros_msgs::Altitude mavros/altitude
vehicle_air_data ALTITUDE altitude mavros_msgs::Altitude mavros/altitude
vehicle_status HEARTBEAT sys_status mavros_msgs::State mavros/state
vehicle_trajectory_waypoint_desired TRAJECTORY_REPRESENTATION_WAYPOINT trajectory mavros_msgs::Trajectory mavros/trajectory/desired

This is the complete message flow to PX4 Firmware from the local planner.

ROS topic ROS Msgs. MAVROS Plugin MAVLink PX4 Topic
/mavros/setpoint_position/local (offboard) geometry_msgs::PoseStamped setpoint_position SET_POSITION_LOCAL_POSITION_NED position_setpoint_triplet
/mavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel_unstamped (offboard) geometry_msgs::TwistStamped setpoint_velocity SET_POSITION_LOCAL_POSITION_NED position_setpoint_triplet
/mavros/trajectory/generated (mission) mavros_msgs::Trajectory trajectory TRAJECTORY_REPRESENTATION_WAYPOINT vehicle_trajectory_waypoint
/mavros/obstacle/send sensor_msgs::LaserScan obstacle_distance OBSTACLE_DISTANCE obstacle_distance
/mavros/set_mode mavros_msgs::SetMode sys_status SET_MODE vehicle_command

PX4 and global planner

This is the complete message flow from PX4 Firmware to the global planner.

PX4 topic MAVLink MAVROS Plugin ROS Msgs. Topic
vehicle_local_position LOCAL_POSITION_NED local_position geometry_msgs::PoseStamped mavros/local_position/pose
vehicle_local_position LOCAL_POSITION_NED local_position geometry_msgs::TwistStamped mavros/local_position/velocity

This is the complete message flow to PX4 Firmware from the global planner.

ROS topic ROS Msgs. MAVROS Plugin MAVLink PX4 Topic
/mavros/setpoint_position/local (offboard) geometry_msgs::PoseStamped setpoint_position SET_POSITION_LOCAL_POSITION_NED position_setpoint_triplet


Fork the project and then clone your repository. Create a new branch off of master for your new feature or bug fix.

Please, take into consideration our coding style.

Commit your changes with informative commit messages, push your branch and open a new pull request. Please provide ROS bags and the Autopilot flight logs relevant to the changes you have made.