
Feedback on chapter 2 - RISC-V N-Trace (Nexus-based Trace) Specification

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This issue summarizes the feedback and comments from AR on Chapter 2.

  1. There may be many purposes for a specification. The second part of the
    below sentence should be removed:
    "Table below provides a detailed mapping of encodings of instructions
    into itype signal - it should be used during development of ingress
    port logic inside of a hart."
    Further, it is not right to say that the itype is an encoding of the
    instructions. While some instructions may lead to a control tranfer
    out of a block of instructions, other causes of transfer out of a
    block of instructions exists.
    Suggest to use "Table below provides a mapping of causes for
    terminating an instruction block to the corresponding itype encoding"

  2. The title of the first column of table 2 is misleading by stating it
    relates to the instruction that retired. As exceptions and traps are
    included, the more appropriate heading would be "Cause for instruction
    block termination".

  3. The term "Interrupted instruction" may be misleading. While
    instructions may be interrupted in some cases such as with vector
    instructions, interrupts usually interrupt the instruction stream and
    occur between instructions. The distinction is not material for N-trace
    and so stating "Interrupt" as the what caused transfer out of the block
    suffices. Reword "Interrupted instruction" to "An interrupt trap occurred
    following the final retired instruction in the block."

  4. The term "Exception in instruction" is misleading. While exceptions can
    occur due to instruction execution, they may also occur during the act of
    fetching an instruction - e.g., an instruction page-fault, an instruction
    access fault, etc. Reword to "An exception trap that occurred following the
    final retired instruction in the block".

  5. uret is not a ratified instruction and should be removed.

  6. cm.jt is a indirect table jump. It should be classified as uninferrable jump

  7. Since non-control-transfer instructions do not lead to a termination of the
    block, why do we need to add a row for "non-jump". Is the expectation that
    every instruction when N-trace is active produces a trace packet?

  8. cm.jalt is classified as a inferable call. However, it is unclear if the JVT
    is always part of the instruction image. While cm.jalt treats accesses to
    the JVT as implicit access the Zc allows for this to be dynamically located.
    Should this be classiffied as a uninferrable call instead?

  9. Table 2-2 - first instance of cm.popret* - capitalizes Z in Zcmp

  10. Readability of Chapter 2 would be greatly enhanced if the terms I-CNT
    BTM, and HTM and their concepts were introduced early.

  11. Table 3 - I-CNT should not be updated by exception.

  12. Table 3 - I-CNt should not be updated by interrupt. When the interrupt is in
    boundary of two instructions, the previous instruction has updated the I-CNT
    on its retirement. When an instruction itself is interruptible, then the I-CNT
    should not be updated.

  13. Table 4 - The header row is missing?

  14. Table 4 - what does Push and Pop signify?

  15. Table 4 - What is meant by "pop returns the same address as PC"

  16. Table 4 - statements like "at next ingress port cycle" imply assumption
    about a certain implementation. The architecture should be describe based
    on the ISA property and not an implementation. For example, would the
    implementation be non-compliant if it could do many taken branches in a cycle?
    Or if it sends the address after 2 cycles?

  17. The note about trTeInstEnaAllJumps implies that direct unconditional jumps
    are reported as itype=0. Per Table 2 inferrable jumps use itype=15/14. Only
    when implicit return optimization is not available they use itype=0 - should
    this text be qualified by itype_width_p

  18. The specification suggests using a reserved encoding. Specifications should
    not encourage use of reserved encodings to preserve them for future standard
    use. A better recommendation might have been to use encoding of 5 instead of
    0. That could avoid the - encode as 7 and interpret as 0 or 5 guideline.

  19. The cause and tval inputs being disabled should be stated normatively and
    not in a informative note as it is an important aspect of N-trace. tval is
    spelt incorrectly as tvar.

  20. un-inferable -> uninferable

  21. Table 2 - This table duplicates the information in the E-trace spec (table 4.4 and
    section 4.1.1). There may be improvements needed in that table (e.g., updates for
    Zc), but those should be made in the form of PRs to the E-trace spec.

  22. Page 9 - informative note - Only the comment about 4 bit itypes and implicit
    return optimization is needed. Rest of this comment can be removed.

  23. Table 3 - Exception - Directive to emit 2 or 1 for BTYPE should be
    qualified by what guides that decision.

  24. Table 3 - Exception - Clarify what "address emitted is known at next ingress
    port cycle"

  25. Table 4 - Uninferable tail call - This is just an indirect jump (JALR) that
    is not a call or return. Why is this not possible? This should match
    behavior for itype=14. Same comment for itype=11/15

I am closing all N-Trace PDF related issues with same comments as all issues were handled via comments/discussions in SINGLE Google Docs. Relevant links are as follows:

Notes to N-Trace PDF: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h__c0Kc7TQAWMh5bw9cNC9bl_IGqyY_ylPV14uc2xj0

N-Trace PDF rc20: 221f6b1
N-Trace for ARC review: 1de77dc