
Feedback on chapter 6 - RISC-V N-Trace (Nexus-based Trace) Specification

ved-rivos opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. Table 9 - Trailing "Table" in TCODE row.

  2. Label the message definition example. Also add some text to state these are
    a few samples. Some explanation of the macro names would be useful

  3. Table 9 - SRC - does the "field need not be transmitted" also apply to
    when it is enabled by trTeInhibitSrc i.e. it is allowed to ignore that
    configuration? The decription for multiple harts states it MUST be
    transmitted - this should be qualified by "if enabled".

  4. Using Device or Processor consistently would be better.

  5. Table 9 indicates SYNC is a message by stating "decoding may start from this
    message". However SYNC is a field of a message. Perhaps the intent is to state
    that "decoding may start from a message containing the SYNC field"

  6. Table 9. I-CNT. The description "16-bit half-instructions" is misleading as
    there are full 16-bit instructions. This should be reworded as "I-CNT counter
    increments on instruction retirement by a number INST_LEN/2 where
    INST_LEN is the length of the retired instruction in bytes."

  7. Section 6.1 -> Rephrase first sentence and the paraphragraph starting with
    "Attributes of fields.."

  8. Section 6.1 -> the test starting with "Messages marked as Reserve..." and
    rest of this section should be non-normative. A reference to the header file
    can be included in the non-normative comment - ideally as a reference in
    a bibliography section. The excerpt of the header file content should be

  9. Table 9 - BTYPE - restate that this field can be 1 or 2 bits.

  10. Table 9 - F-ADDR - redundant "LSB bit". Punctuations are not proper.

  11. Text before Table 10 - Rephrase this paragraph. Original Nexus also
    implies there is another version of Nexus being referenced.

  12. Redundant "MSB bit"

  13. Table 9 - TSTAMP - The first sentence of description can be removed.

I am closing all N-Trace PDF related issues with same comments as all issues were handled via comments/discussions in SINGLE Google Docs. Relevant links are as follows:

Notes to N-Trace PDF: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h__c0Kc7TQAWMh5bw9cNC9bl_IGqyY_ylPV14uc2xj0

N-Trace PDF rc20: 221f6b1
N-Trace for ARC review: 1de77dc