
Feedback on chapter 9 - RISC-V N-Trace (Nexus-based Trace) Specification

ved-rivos opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. Section 9.1 - "Both the constant load and the indirect unconditional jump
    must be traced as adjacent instructions (in same message/packet) in order
    for the decoder to be able to infer the indirect unconditional jump target."

    This statement should be reworded to avoid implying that the lui or
    auipc are traced in a message/packet. The term packet is also used here
    for first time and should be removed. Further, there is an implication that
    the decoder should be making this distinction. It should be the encoder that
    should use the combination of itype+sijump to make the decision to transform
    the itype from 8->9, 10->11, or 14->15. The decoder guidelines should be
    written to be clearer i.e. if the itype is a inferrable jump but the
    instruction at that pc in the binary is a indirect unconditional jump then
    disassemble forward (since disassembling backwards is not deterministic) to
    the branch and extract the constant from the instruction preceeding the

  2. Section 9.1 - why should the section 9.1 not just reference section 3.1.1 of
    E-trace specification?

  3. Section 9.2 - The specification should drop the mode 1 and 2. They are not
    general and may not work for many programs e.g., C++ programs that do
    exception handling, programs tail calls, etc. Is there a reason why these
    should be retained as valid options?

  4. Section 9.3 - Reword "Long loops" to "Loops with many iterations such as
    those in functions like memcpy/strcpy have identical flow in each iteraction."

  5. Section 9.3 - The second paragraph describes a "simple loop" and third para
    a "long loop". To make it clearer the second paragraph should be reworded
    as "A typical loop is..." and where it says and "taken once at end" -
    prefix "typically" since this is a behavior of a predictable loop.

  6. Section 9.3 - suggest rewording this section to be more clearer. It will
    help if there were two subsections - one for BTM and one for HTM. Then
    in each subsection the text could be normatively written to explain what
    the rules are. Examples, should illustrate the rules and not be a means
    to determine the rules. It is also suggested that a formal language be
    used in the specification. This section is way too long to describe a very
    simple concept. Remove most of the discussion and simply provide the
    crisp specification.

  7. There is informative note about HREPEAT field overflow. This is the first
    time there is any discussion about HREPEAT field overflowing and it is not
    clear what such an overflow mean. Further the guidancec to generate several
    messages is not clear as to why on this condition several (how many?)
    messages should be generated with a max HREPEAT value.

  8. Is there a limit on HREPEAT value? Is it legal to use HREPEAT to be a 64 bit
    counter and so an infinite loop will never generate a resource full?

  9. Chapter 9 - first para - rephrase, not "must be"

  10. Section 9. 1 and 9.2 - These are specified in the ratified e-trace spec.
    Consider replacing with a reference to the E-trace spec to avoid repeating.

I am closing all N-Trace PDF related issues with same comments as all issues were handled via comments/discussions in SINGLE Google Docs. Relevant links are as follows:

Notes to N-Trace PDF: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h__c0Kc7TQAWMh5bw9cNC9bl_IGqyY_ylPV14uc2xj0

N-Trace PDF rc20: 221f6b1
N-Trace for ARC review: 1de77dc