
Feedback on chapter 11 - RISC-V N-Trace (Nexus-based Trace) Specification

ved-rivos opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. "To decode an N-trace encoded stream of messages" - Decoding of the messages
    does not require the listed 3 information. This should be reworded to
    "To reconstruct the program control flow using the N-trace encoded stream of

  2. "Size of each instruction (16-bit or 32-bit)." drop text in parenthesis.

  3. Second bullet - the decoder does not have access to itype signal on ingress
    port. This bullet should be reworded to be written with respect to decoder.

  4. Third bullet - instead of stating "direct uncondition and direct cond" reword
    to state "for inferable obtain the offset from the image" This will then
    include the sequential jump optimizaztion - the current text precludes that
    by saying "offset encoded in an opcode"

  5. "At the beginning of trace" should be rewritten to "Start decoding from a
    synchronizing message. The synch. message provides the complete PC in the
    F-ADDR field. Transfers relative to this PC may then be inferred using
    subsequent messages till a new PC is transmitted in a subsequent sync.

  6. "full PC is dropped periodically" - why should the decoder drop sync.
    messages periodically?

  7. Section 11.1 - "complete PC flow" - complete seem overarching. COuld
    reword to "reconstruct control flow of the program". "is very simple"
    can be dropped to make the specification formal.

  8. Section 11.1 - Handle HIST ..(and not 0x1) - please expand/reword
    "not 0x1"

  9. Section 11.1 - "analyze code from current PC" - "disassemble from the
    last PC". "PC will be after last direct conditional" -> "PC will be of
    the instruction executed after the last conditional branch"

  10. Section 11.1 - "each encountered instruction should subtract" ->
    "For each instruction subract INST_LEN/16" - this will keep it straight
    for future and for custom instructions that may be 48 or 64 bit or wider.

  11. Section 11.1 - Handle I-CNT - third sub-bullet - I-CNt being 0 does
    not mean an event always. In case of ResourceFull due to I-CNT overflow
    it is just the new PC. Suggest rewording as this main bullet as

    • First sub-bullet - "Dissaamble instructions starting at last known PC.
      For each disassembled instruction, update PC based on the type of
      instruction and decrementing I-CNT by ILEN/16, till ICNT becomes 0."
  12. Section 11.1 - there seems to be priority between HIST and I-CNT? SO
    HIST should be applied first and then I-CNT? This should be stated.

  13. Section 11.1 - missing the handling for HREPEAT and BCNT

  14. Section 11.1 - information note - the "inferable unconditional jump"
    is defined before - suggest not repeating

  15. Section 11.1 - information note - Encode under different names is ambigous
    and all of this has been covered before. Repetitions should be removed.

  16. Section 11.3 - "(ELF files)" -> "(e.g., ELF files)"

  17. Section 11.3 - Suggest rewording this section to be more precise on
    the guidelines on use of Ownership message. What are the expectations
    on the operating systems and hypervisors and the decoders.

  18. Section 11.3 - The informative text is not very useful and should be removed.

  19. Section 11.3 - heading - Remove parenthetical, can refer to Linux in the text

  20. Section 11.4 - in informative note please clarify what "compressing
    execution flow" means. ALso please clarify how this comment relates
    this section. If this is not specific to N-trace is there a reference
    that can be provided to other trace systems that have solved thsi problem.
    However, The informative text is not very useful and should be removed.

  21. Section 11.1 - Is there a reference decoder we can point to?

I am closing all N-Trace PDF related issues with same comments as all issues were handled via comments/discussions in SINGLE Google Docs. Relevant links are as follows:

Notes to N-Trace PDF: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h__c0Kc7TQAWMh5bw9cNC9bl_IGqyY_ylPV14uc2xj0

N-Trace PDF rc20: 221f6b1
N-Trace for ARC review: 1de77dc