
Feedback on RISC-V Trace Control Interface Specification - Chapter 9

ved-rivos opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. trPibDivider - "After PIB reset value of this pin.."
    reword to "value of this field". The word "safe" should
    be explained.
  2. trPibCalibrate - explain what happens to the trace data
    when this bit is 1. Does the Sink backpressure the source
    or drops the packets?
  3. Section 9.1 - LSB bytes is redundant. The first bullet
    should be reworded to separately state transmission order
    for bits and bytes.
  4. Section 9.1 - "In 16-bit mode" - does that refer to
    trPibMode=12? "16-bit mode" is not defined before and if so
    should replace with the trPibMode value.
  5. Section 9.1 - its more accurate to state "even bytes are
    transmitted on TRC_DATA[7:0] and odd bytes on TRC_DATA[15:8]
    as many messages have more then 2 bytes.
  6. Section 9.1 - reword first and second sub-bullet of third
  7. Section 9.2 - LSB is sometimes used to reference least
    significant byte and sometimes least significant bit. Should
    use consistent terminology. Explain "next bit period"
  8. Table 53 - Patters -> Patterns

All notes to Control PDF handled in 1.0.0_rc20.