
Tracking RISC-V Actions on Education, Training, Courses, Monitorships, etc.

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Learn RISC-V

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A community-driven compilation of RISC-V resources and learning material. The list is dynamically updated by the community and categorized based on different contexts of the RISC-V scope, taking into account different levels of experience/knowledge, allowing anyone interested in RISC-V to discover resources (courses, software, documentation, articles) in an organized fashion.

RISC-V is an open standard Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) based on established Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) principles.

👋 Want to learn about RISC-V? Check out the Beginner-Level or Intermediate-Level learning resources.

👉 Table of Contents

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✔ Browse the beginner and intermediate-level resources here to check if your resource is already included. ✔ If not, go to Issues, click New issue, and select the "Add Resource" template. ✔ Enter the resource details and submit the issue. ✔ For other contributions, use the General Request issue template here. ✔ Engage with open issues if you have feedback.

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📙 Resources

Learning Resources for RISC-V

🟢 Beginner-Level Resources

For those with little or no knowledge of digital logic design. After studying the Digital Design book, you may jump to intermediate-level courses like RVfpga.

Resource Author(s) Description Access Date Added
An Introduction to Assembly Programming with RISC-V Prof. Edson Borin Teaches RISC-V assembly programming concepts. Webpage 2024-05-03
Architecture 1005: RISC-V Assembly OpenSecurityTraining Security-focused exploration of RISC-V ISAs and extensions. Course Videos 2024-15-04
Computer Architecture Basics CTU Prague - FEE (Pavel Pisa) Course covering computer architecture basics, including CPU design and speculative execution. Course Videos 2024-16-04
Creating a RISC-V from scratch! Lucas Teske ( Teske's Lab ) Learning livestream series focused on creating a RV32E that runs on FPGAs YouTube (Portuguese) 2024-18-10
Digital Design & Computer Architecture RISC-V edition Sarah L. Harris, David M. Harris Covers foundational digital logic design and RISC-V processor implementation. Amazon 2024-10-01
Hands-on RISC-V Processor Design Rahul Behl Dive into RISC-V processor design using SystemVerilog. QuickSilicon 2024-10-01
learn-FPGA episode I: from blinky to RISC-V Bruno Levy Design an FPGA-based RISC-V softcore starting from a basic Verilog blinker. GitHub 2024-10-01
LinuxFoundationX: Building a RISC-V CPU Core Steve Hoover Free course on RISC-V microarchitecture design using open-source tools. edX Course 2024-10-01
Nand2Tetris Noam Nisan, Shimon Schocken Build a computer from logic gates using a hardware simulator. Website 2024-10-01
RISC-V Assembly Introduction (Portuguese) Gabriel G. de Brito Focus on basics of RISC-V IM architecture with the EGG emulator. Course Videos 2024-04-06
Step-by-step RISC-V Compiler Development Shao-Ce SUN Practical guide to RISC-V C compiler development. Teaching Resources and Course Videos (Chinese) 2024-20-03
Step-by-step RISC-V OS Development Chen Wang Practical guide for developing RISC-V operating systems. Teaching Resources and Course Videos (Chinese) 2024-05-03
The RISC-V Reader: An Open Architecture Atlas David Patterson, Andrew Waterman Introduction to the RISC-V instruction set. RISC-V Reader 2024-05-03

🔵 Intermediate-Level Resources

Advanced learning materials for learners familiar with digital logic design.

Resource Author(s) Description Access Date Added
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (6th Edition) David Patterson, John Hennessy Explores advanced topics like instruction-level parallelism and GPU architectures, using RISC-V. Amazon 2024-10-01
Computer Organization & Design (RISC-V Edition) David Patterson, John Hennessy In-depth study of RISC-V ISA and processor implementation. Amazon 2024-10-01
Learn with SHAKTI Shakti - RISE Lab, IITM Tutorials on RISC-V assembly programming using the RISC-V toolchain. Learn with Shakti 2023-21-12
learn-FPGA episode II: pipelining Bruno Levy Extends the basic RISC-V softcore from episode I with pipelining and performance optimizations. GitHub 2024-10-01
LinuxFoundationX: RISC-V Toolchain and Compiler Optimization Techniques Aditya Kumar Develop knowledge of RISC-V toolchain internals and compiler optimizations. edX Course 2024-10-01
RISC-V Optimization Guide RISE Project Actionable optimization recommendations for RISC-V software developers. GitHub 2024-19-02
RV64GC Linker from Scratch in Go Yang Liu, PLCT Lab Build an RV64GC architecture linker from scratch in Go. GitHub and Course Videos (Chinese) 2024-24-04
RVfpga (Extended): Understanding Computer Architecture Sarah Harris, Daniel Chaver-Martinez Updated version of the RVfpga course with FPGA and simulation tools. RVfpga v3.0 Course Link 2024-06-02
RVfpga: Computer Architecture with an Industrial RISC-V Core Sarah Harris, Daniel Chaver-Martinez Hands-on learning with commercial RISC-V SoC on FPGAs. edX Course 2024-10-01
Teaching experiences with RVfpga ARTECS Group, Complutense University of Madrid Demonstrates how RVfpga and the Ripes simu lator were used in two courses at UCM: Computer Organization (2nd-year course) and Integrated Systems Architecture (4th-year course). GitHub 2024-18-10
Tutorial: RISC-V Vector Extension Demystified Thang Tran In-depth introduction to the RISC-V vector extension. YouTube 2024-10-01

Software and Tools

Tools to enhance understanding or visualize the RISC-V ISA.

Tool Author(s) Description Access Date Added
CREATOR Diego Camarmas Alonso, Félix García Carballeira, Alejandro Calderón Mateos, Elías del Pozo Puñal Didactic simulator for RISC-V assembly programs. Website 2023-20-12
emulsiV Guillaume Savaton Visual simulator for a minimal 32-bit RISC processor. Website 2023-20-12
Go RISC-V Emulator Lucas Teske A golang implementation of RV32I+M that can run doom GitHub 2024-18-10
GodBolt Matt Godbolt Online Compiler Explorer that supports GCC/LLVM for RV64 Website 2024-18-10
Online RISC-V Assembler Lucas Teske Online RISC-V Assembler using gnu-assembler in webassembly Website , Github 2024-18-10
Piscado GustavonMartis RISC-V Simulator written in python during twitch live coding Github 2024-18-10
QtRvSim CTU Prague RISC-V simulator with cache and pipeline visualization. GitHub 2023-20-12
RISC-V ALE Antonio Guimarães RISC-V Assembly Learning Environment Website 2024-18-10
RISC-V Instruction Encoder/Decoder LupLab Online tool for encoding/decoding RISC-V instructions. Website 2023-20-12
Risco-5S Julio Nunes Avelar RISC-V Simulator with RV32IM implementation, built during a few days off. Github 2023-4-11
RVV Intrinsics Viewer dzaima Documentation for RISC-V vector extension intrinsics. Website 2023-20-12

Open RISC-V Implementations

Explore open RISC-V implementations for hands-on learning.

Name Description Access Date Added
AUK-V-Aethia AUK-V RV32I CPU. Github 2024-18-10
CVA6 The CORE-V CVA6 is an Application class 6-stage RISC-V CPU capable of booting Linux Github 2024-18-10
CV32E40P CV32E40P is an in-order 4-stage RISC-V RV32IMFCXpulp CPU based on RI5CY from PULP-Platform. Github 2024-18-10
DarkRISCV Small RV32-E / I soft-core CPU optimized for FPGAs. GitHub 2024-18-10
Grande Risco-5 RISC-V RV32I multi-cycle processor with a 5-stage pipeline, designed for educational purposes. Github 2024-06-11
Kronos Kronos is a 3-stage in-order RISC-V RV32I_Zicsr_Zifencei core geared towards FPGA implementations. Github 2024-18-10
Leaf Leaf is a small RV32I SoC for portable applications done in VHDL and implemented both in FPGA and ASIC. Github 2024-23-10
Maestro A 5 stage-pipeline RV32I implementation in VHDL. Github 2024-18-10
Mriscv A 32-bit Microcontroller featuring a RISC-V core. Github 2024-18-10
NEORV32 MCU-class RISC-V soft-core CPU, customizable and extensible. GitHub 2024-01-11
NERV Naive Educational RISC V processor Github 2024-18-10
NoX Small RISC-V (RV32I) core written in SystemVerilog GitHub 2024-21-10
Pequeno Pipelined in-order RISC-V CPU core compliant with RV32I. GitHub 2023-20-12
PicoRV32 A Size-Optimized RISC-V CPU Github 2024-18-10
ReonV ReonV is a modified version of the Leon3, a synthesisable VHDL model of a 32-bit processor originally compliant with the SPARC V8 architecture, now changed to RISC-V ISA. Github 2024-18-10
Riskow Toy RV32-E done from scratch during livestreams that runs on cheap FPGAs Github 2024-18-10
Riscado-V Simple RISC-V (RV32I) implementation in verilog Github 2024-18-10
Risco-5 Multi-cycle RISC-V processor with RV32I/E[M] implementation, built during a few days off Github 2024-18-10
RISC-V Steel 32-bit RISC-V processor core (RV32I + Zicsr + Machine mode) Github 2024-18-10
RPU Basic RISC-V CPU implementation in VHDL. Github 2024-18-10
RSD RSD: RISC-V Out-of-Order Superscalar Processor Github 2024-18-10
SERV SERV - The SErial RISC-V CPU. Github 2024-18-10
TinyRiscv A very simple and easy to understand RISC-V core Github 2024-18-10
VexRiscv A FPGA Friendly 32 bit RISC-V CPU implementation Github 2024-18-10

Available RISC-V Boards, Development Kits, Tablets, and Laptops

Board or Dev Kit Company SoC RISC-V Core Date Added
DC Roma II DeepComputing SpacemiT K1 Octa-Core X60™ 2024-31-10
HiFive Premier P550 SiFive ESWIN EIC7700X SiFive Quad-Core P550 2024-31-10
HiFive Unmatched SiFive SiFive U74‑MC 64-bit S7 2024-31-10
HiFive1 Rev B SiFive FE310-G002 32-bit E31 2024-31-10
LicheeRV D1 Sipeed AllWinnerD1 Single-Core T-Head C906 2024-31-10
LicheeRV Nano Sipeed SG2002 Single-Core T-HEAD C906 2024-31-10
LicheePi 4A Sipeed TH1520 Quad-Core T-HEAD C910 2024-31-10
LicheeBook 4A Sipeed TH1520 Quad-Core T-HEAD C910 2024-31-10
LicheePi Console 4A Sipeed TH1520 Quad-Core T-HEAD C910 2024-31-10
LicheePi 3A Sipeed SpacemiT K1 Octa-Core X60 2024-31-10
VisionFive 2 StarFiveTech JH7110 Quad-Core Sifive u74 2024-31-10
Milk-V Duo Milk-V SG2002 T-HEAD C906 2024-31-10
Milk-V Mars Milk-V JH7110 Quad-Core Sifive u74 2024-31-10
Milk-V Meles Milk-V TH1520 Quad-Core T-HEAD C910 2024-31-10
Milk-V Pioneer Milk-V SG2042 64 Cores T-HEAD C910 2024-31-10
Milk-V Vega Milk-V FSL1030M UX608 Core 2024-31-10
Milk-V Jupiter Milk-V SpacemiT K1 Octa-Core X60 2024-31-10
Star 64 Pine64 JH7110 Quad-Core Sifive u74 2024-31-10
PineTab-V Pine64 JH7110 Quad-Core Sifive u74 2024-31-10
Ox64 Pine64 BL808 T-HEAD C906, T-HEAD E907, T-HEAD E902 2024-31-10
OK7110-C ForLinx JH7110 Quad-Core Sifive u74 2024-31-10
Kendryte K230 Canaan Technology K230 Dual-Core T-HEAD C908 2024-01-11
SpacemiT MUSE Pi SpacemiT SpacemiT M1 Octa-Core X60 2024-01-11
Banana Pi F3 Banana Pi SpacemiT K1 Octa-Core X60 2024-01-11

Relevant Documentation from RISC-V International

Document Description Access
Getting Started Guide Overview of RISC-V technical organizations for new members Google Doc
Member Benefits Deck Familiarize with RISC-V member benefits and community scope Google Doc
RISC-V Lifecycle Guide Guide for RISC-V members participating in specification writing and open-source contributions Google Doc
RISC-V Repository Map Central directory of RISC-V-related repositories GitHub Repo Map
RISC-V Technical Wiki Central point for technical information related to RISC-V Wiki

Articles and Presentations

Resource Author(s) Description Access
Design of the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture Andrew Waterman PhD dissertation on the structure of the RISC-V ISA. PDF
Past, Present and Future of RISC-V Krste Asanović Overview of RISC-V’s evolution YouTube
Is RISC-V the Future? Roddy Urquhart Examination of RISC-V’s future potential Article