
more chapter re-ordering

aamartin0000 opened this issue · 4 comments

Thank you for rearranging the chapters to a more sane ordering. Some suggestions, take 'em or leave 'em:

  • in Ch28, Zbkb should be before Zbkc. Now that the Zbk* descriptions are within the bitmanip chapter, would it be worth mentioning overlaps (Zbkb in Zbb, Zbkc == Zbc)?
  • Ch33 (scalar crypto) should be before Ch32 (vector crypto)
  • please add sample code for use of (scalar and vector) crypto instructions

@aswaterman I can do this if you agree with it.

I think some of the reorg might’ve already been done, but the rest makes sense, so go for it. The sample code is a longer-term thing we don’t need to worry about now.

Agreed. Please close this issue when the pull request is opened.

Perhaps members of the crypto SIG/TG can contribute sample (scalar, vector) crypto code when the time is right.

wmat commented

Closing as reordering patch applied.