
Add links / tags for each statement

Timmmm opened this issue · 0 comments

It is very useful for specs to be linkable, for example to link coverpoints, test plans, tests, etc. to specific statements in the spec. This allows you to ensure that you

  1. have covered everything in the spec,
  2. notice when a part of the spec that you've already covered changes,
  3. notice when new parts of the spec are added.

There are some examples of this in the Ferrocene Rust Specification: (note each item has a unique ID, just not rendered):


In ARM's ASL reference manual (here they render the unique IDs):


Note that in both examples the writing style is a lot more like #1396 but you don't necessarily have to do it like that. In a previous company I implemented this system but you could tag parts of paragraphs too and the tag would highlight the tagged text when you hover it.