Contrastive Forward Model

This is code to reproduce experiments for the paper Learning Predictive Representations for Deformable Objects Using Contrastive Estimation.


This project was run using Python 3.7.6. All the dependencies are in the requirements.txt file and we recommend creating a virtual environment and then installing by pip install -r requirements.txt.

You will also need to install a custom dm_env package and a custom dm_control package which has the relevant rope and cloth environments. You must use the cfm branch in the custom dm_control repo. Note that dm_control requires the Mujoco simulator to use. Finally, you will need to install this repo as a pip package: cd contrastive-forward-model; pip install -e .


The steps to collect and run data are as follows. You may use the -h flag to show more customizable options.

  1. Collect data by running python
  2. Process the data using python data/rope
  3. Train CFM with python You can customize your own flags to run it with different hyperparameters. The output is stored in the out/ folder
  4. Run the evaluations with python out/*, which will generate json files and store them in out/<exp_name>/eval/<eval_name>/eval_results.json


There are two ways to visualize your results. If you group up your result folders by seed, and store them in a single file, i.e. tmp, you may call python cfm/visualize/ tmp, which will print out the results in a formatted manner, with standard statistics across seeds.

If you are performing hyperparmeters tuning, it may be easier to run python cfm/visualize/ out, which will generate progress.csv and params.json files in each eval directory. Then, you can use the rllab viskit library to view: python <path to viskit>/viskit/ out, where you can split by different hyperparameters and average over seeds.


You can run the baselines by executing python run_baselines/run_train_<baseline_name>.py for step 3 instead of the CFM script. The rest of the steps are identical.