GDCRNATools: an R/Bioconductor package for integrative analysis of lncRNA, miRNA and mRNA data in GDC
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gdcParseMetadata() returns no output
#19 opened by qiongl-CTDS - 5
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gdcRNAMerge ERROR : Error in gzfile(filenames[1]) : invalid 'description' argument
#23 opened by benchsar - 5
Error in the gdcRNAMerge()
#22 opened by epfarias - 1
problem downloading data: incomplete final line found error with gdcRNADownload()
#7 opened by IyadSultan - 2
gdcParseMetadata error
#15 opened by Liripo - 0
gdcRNAMerge() still doesn't work after adding “organized=FALSE” to the gdcRNAMerge() function.
#18 opened by baike687 - 1
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gdcRNADownload error with GDC-client
#11 opened by IL2liu - 1
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gdcSurvivalAnalysis : Error in round(cox$wald.test, 2) : non-numeric argument to mathematical function
#12 opened by IL2liu - 1
gdcCEAnalysis 构建ceRNA bug
#4 opened by sherylwalker - 0
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Error in download.KEGG.Path(species) : 'species' should be one of organisms listed in 'http://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html'...
#8 opened by jxshi - 2
Questions and advice for GDCRNATools
#6 opened by huangwb8 - 2
Error while using gdcClinicalMerge
#5 opened by ZhangQiuxue - 3
Error while using gdcRNADownload()
#3 opened by VeronicaFung - 8
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filter=FALSE is not working in gdcDEAnalysis
#1 opened by fcgportal