A minimalist multiplayer chess game made with Unity and Photon Unity Networking 2 (PUN 2).
Chessticle implements most of the chess rules, including castling, promotion and under-promotion, en passant captures, the threefold repetition rule and the fifty-move rule. The time control is 10+0.
- Open the project in Unity 2022.3.8f1
- Import PUN 2 from the Asset Store into the project (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/network/pun-2-free-119922)
- Configure your App Id in PhotonServerSettings.asset (How to Obtain Your App ID)
- Build the game
Chessticle uses chess pieces graphics by Cburnett. License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:SVG_chess_pieces
This is free software licensed under the terms of the MIT license.