
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Built from simple React boilerplate with babel, webpack, and webpack-dev-server. See package.json for details of dependencies.

Quick Start

  1. Clone or download this repo

  2. Change to this project's directory, and in terminal run npm install, or yarn install if you use Yarn.

  3. There are three commands defined in package.json:

    • npm run dev or yarn dev will start a webpack-dev-server with HMR (Hot Module Replacement). This will save your time in re-transpiling JSX and refreshing browsers everytime you make changes to your React components.

    • npm run build or yarn build will use webpack to bundle two files vendor.bundle.js and app.bundle.js into static/js directory.

    • npm run clean or yarn clean will simply rm the built js files.

  4. After using npm run dev to start a webpack-dev-server, the content is served at http://localhost:8000/