Inquiry on Environment and Simulator Usage
chungcode0218 opened this issue · 8 comments
Dear author or experienced users, may I ask what environment and simulator you are using (for example, versions of Carla, Ubuntu, etc.)?
Additionally, is there any ViNT-related discussion group where we can discuss together?
We ended up using CARLA 0.9.14 and Ubuntu 22.04.2, although I assume there's some flexibility there. We modified the OATomobile wrapper which is an open-source gym API on CARLA. There isn't a discussion group, so feel free to raise issues when needed.
raise issues when needed.
I test OATomobile in CARLA 0.9.10 but
Hello from the pygame community.
4.24.3-0+++UE4+Release-4.24 518 0
Disabling core dumps.
Signal 11 caught.
Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554
CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11
Malloc Size=65535 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=131119
Malloc Size=118144 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=249280
Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
4.24.3-0+++UE4+Release-4.24 518 0
Disabling core dumps.
Signal 11 caught.
Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554
CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11
Malloc Size=65535 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=131119
Malloc Size=118144 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=249280
Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
4.24.3-0+++UE4+Release-4.24 518 0
Disabling core dumps.
Signal 11 caught.
Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554
CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11
Malloc Size=65535 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=131119
Malloc Size=118144 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=249280
Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
4.24.3-0+++UE4+Release-4.24 518 0
Disabling core dumps.
Signal 11 caught.
Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554
CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11
Malloc Size=65535 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=131119
Malloc Size=118144 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=249280
Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
4.24.3-0+++UE4+Release-4.24 518 0
Disabling core dumps.
Signal 11 caught.
Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554
CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11
Malloc Size=65535 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=131119
Malloc Size=118144 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=249280
Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
This could be a number of things. Usually, these segfaults are due to some rendering issue regarding Vulkan or OpenGL, or maybe offscreen/on-screen things with memory capacity. I'd advise you to look at the file in OATomobile that actually runs CARLA. Specifically, look at the setup() function in oatomobile.utils.carla
By default it runs :
os.path.join(os.environ.get("CARLA_ROOT"), ""),
See how you can tune this to work on the command line, and once it's working, edit the setup(). Maybe try something like adding the argument "-RenderOffScreen" to that list above, or reducing the quality level for lower memory usage.
os.path.join(os.environ.get("CARLA_ROOT"), ""),
Thanks for your response I change to
os.path.join(os.environ.get("CARLA_ROOT"), ""),
and run the test code
import oatomobile
Initializes a CARLA environment.
environment = oatomobile.envs.CARLAEnv(town="Town01")
Makes an initial observation.
observation = environment.reset()
done = False
while not done:
Selects a random action.
action = environment.action_space.sample()
observation, reward, done, info = environment.step(action)
Renders interactive display.
Book-keeping: closes
But there are some problems
File "", line 7, in
observation = environment.reset()
File "/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oatomobile/core/", line 67, in reset
return self.simulator.reset(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oatomobile/simulators/carla/", line 1725, in reset
File "/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oatomobile/util/", line 265, in spawn_hero
hero_bp = bl.find(vehicle_id)
IndexError: blueprint '' not found
Okay, so RenderingOffScreen fixed it? If so, and this is a new, separate issue, then maybe consult with this comment:
carla-simulator/carla#2590 (comment) . This might help you find what blueprint items there are for you to access. Are you sure your Content folder in CARLA is full with all blueprints? Can you bring in as many assets as you can?
Okay, so RenderingOffScreen fixed it? If so, and this is a new, separate issue, then maybe consult with this comment: carla-simulator/carla#2590 (comment) . This might help you find what blueprint items there are for you to access. Are you sure your Content folder in CARLA is full with all blueprints? Can you bring in as many assets as you can?
there are some problems still
pygame 1.9.6
Hello from the pygame community.
4.24.3-0+++UE4+Release-4.24 518 0
Disabling core dumps.
WARNING: Version mismatch detected: You are trying to connect to a simulator that might be incompatible with this API
WARNING: Client API version = 0.9.10
WARNING: Simulator API version = c8a0b059
/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gym/ UserWarning: WARN: Box bound precision lowered by casting to float32
warnings.warn(colorize('%s: %s'%('WARN', msg % args), 'yellow'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 7, in
observation = environment.reset()
File "/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oatomobile/core/", line 67, in reset
return self.simulator.reset(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oatomobile/simulators/carla/", line 1748, in reset
obs = self.step(action=None)
File "/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oatomobile/simulators/carla/", line 1780, in step
File "/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oatomobile/core/", line 120, in get_observations
return Observations(self.sensors, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oatomobile/core/", line 82, in init
for uuid, sensor in sensors.items()]
File "/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oatomobile/core/", line 82, in
for uuid, sensor in sensors.items()]
File "/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oatomobile/simulators/carla/", line 1290, in get_observation
File "/home/yx/anaconda3/envs/carla_ros/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oatomobile/util/", line 740, in global_plan
waypoints, roadoptions = zip(*grp.trace_route(origin, destination))
File "/home/yx/carla/PythonAPI/carla/agents/navigation/", line 351, in trace_route
route = self._path_search(origin, destination)
File "/home/yx/carla/PythonAPI/carla/agents/navigation/", line 224, in _path_search
start, end = self._localize(origin), self._localize(destination)
File "/home/yx/carla/PythonAPI/carla/agents/navigation/", line 156, in _localize
edge = self._road_id_to_edge[waypoint.road_id][waypoint.section_id][waypoint.lane_id]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
WARNING: sensor object went out of the scope but the sensor is still alive in the simulation: Actor 207 (sensor.other.collision)
WARNING: sensor object went out of the scope but the sensor is still alive in the simulation: Actor 208 (
WARNING: sensor object went out of the scope but the sensor is still alive in the simulation: Actor 209 (
WARNING: sensor object went out of the scope but the sensor is still alive in the simulation: Actor 210 (
WARNING: sensor object went out of the scope but the sensor is still alive in the simulation: Actor 212 (sensor.lidar.ray_cast)
terminate called without an active exception
Aborted (core dumped)
These errors are possibly related to the warning you've been given due to Simulator / Client version mismatch. I'd fix that first to ensure that warning isn't causing any of this
These errors are possibly related to the warning you've been given due to Simulator / Client version mismatch. I'd fix that first to ensure that warning isn't causing any of this
Thank you very much, our OATomobile is working, but i have idea to run the vint in this can you released the code about deployment or give me some guidance?