COPYRIGHT: Embedded Systems Academy, Inc. 2017-2019
VERSION: 1.06, ESA 29-APR-19
NOTES: This kit does not include a CAN or CANopen tutorial. See to get started with CANopen
Directory "APPS" Contains the various applications that can be loaded into the CANgineBerry using the COIAUpdater utility.
- CANopenIA-BEDS: CANopen Device (slave)
- CANopenIA-MGR: CANopen Manager (master)
Directory "CODE": Contains code examples
Directory "DOC" Contains the main CANgineBerry documentation of the hardware, the bootloader and the COIAUpdater utility.
Directory "UTIL" Contains the utilities provided.
- COIA: generic command line utility for communicating with the CANopenIA-MGR and CANopenIA-BEDS apps
- COIAUpdater: load applications and configuration files to the CANgineBerry, configure hardware settings
- TST (dir): directory with shell scripts as example and for testing
Connect CANgineBerry to the host computer system, like a Raspberry Pi or Windows PC using a USB-to-UART module (when using such a module, ensure voltage levels are as required: 5V supply, but only 3.3V signals)
On host computer system start the COIAUpdater utility to connect to the CANgineBerry. Use option "-h" for help. You must know the UART/COM port (e.g. 'COM5') used. Example:
$ COIAUpdater -p 5 -i
If the CANgineBerry does not have the desired firmware and/or configuration stored, use the COIAUpdater utility to load the firmware and configuration wanted.
Depending on firmware loaded, use COIA, RemoteAccess or other utilities on the host system to operate the CANgineBerry.
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