
Add SFM viewers to default XML script

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Suggestion: because SFM and its input connections are already part of the default iol.xml.template script, it would be useful to add the relative viewers and connections for that module too.

Hi @gsaponaro

I think users can launch specific SFM xml available from stereo-vision repository, if they want to show depth info.

Soon iol will be enriched with another viewer and thus I don't want to mess too much the display.

I just thought of that because the connections from /icub/camcalib/{left,right}/out to /SFM/{left,right}:i are already in the iol XML. Fine then, whatever works better.

Yes, because SFM gets launched from the latest iol script too.
Everything is in one place, except for the viewer displaying the disparity (which I reckon is not necessary).