
Word timing in sentence

dcam0050 opened this issue · 1 comments

I was wondering if it's possible to compute word timings within a sentence passed to the speech yarp device. The reason being I would like to create an "animated say" such that one could trigger behaviour when a certain part of a sentence is reached.

The approach I was thinking of is:

  1. A command is issued to iSpeak or the yarpdev with a parameter to perform the text to speech in silent mode and return word timings

  2. Behaviour is set to happen with a delay equivalent to the word in question and then a delayed behaviour is triggered at the same time a regular iSpeak command is triggered

As an aside I'm using svox-tts on Ubuntu at the moment.

@dcam0050 as of now, we do not have resources for such a request, but we can accept a PR 😉