
Where is write CSV file ?

deennoo opened this issue · 9 comments

Hello Rob,

Nice Work You done !

I put your soft on my arduino, and a 433 recivere and my led on pin13.

I can saw my led blinking, and i think recieving my sensor information (i test osv3 sketch and it works).

Nowhere on your sketch i can see where is write the CSV file. please can you help ?


Hi Deennoo,
The Arduino IDE has an icon in the top right hand corner that opens up a
"terminal" window to listens to the Arduino's output. I run mine at
115200 so you should set you Arduino IDE to the same Baud otherwise you
won't see much.
Also the last program that puts out the Wind, Temp and Rain on a CSV
string to the terminal (It does not write a file to the filing system as
such) waits until it has heard from all three sensors before it puts out
the CSV string to the terminal, so it may take a while, but usually
about a minute if they are close and signal is good. If you watch the
Serial LED's (close to the Uno's pin13 LED) then you should see the
Serial Out flashing indicating that it is sending CSV strings of data
out the Uno's serial port. It just depends on what is hooked up to that
serial port as to when, and how, those CSV style strings of characters
are seen (later processed, eg I use a Python program to listen to and
process the strings).

Just check your BAUD rate on your IDE, select the terminal window, and
wait maybe 2-3minutes at least before trying something else. I recommend
you get the simpler versions going first to just get a feel for how
everything works. They start up straight away.

Good to hear from you,

Rob Ward
Lake Tyers Beach, 3909
On 09/01/15 03:02, deennoo wrote:

Hello Rob,

Nice Work You done !

I put your soft on my arduino, and a 433 recivere and my led on pin13.

I can saw my led blinking, and i think recieving my sensor information
(i test osv3 sketch and it works).

Nowhere on your sketch i can see where is write the CSV file. please
can you help ?


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OK i understand, first i'll wait to get some writting on serial monitor to be sure to recieve m'y sensor.

Can you share your python script ? I want to update my Wu station with my sensor, with our exemple and anotherone (RTL_osv21) i think i'll get some succes

I would be happy to but it is has been not prepared for distribution,
unlike my Arduino material.

I can certainly give you enough to get you going.

However let's get some good data off the Oregon sensors and Arduino first.

PS have you added the Air Pressure sensor and Humidity sensor?

Rob Ward
Lake Tyers Beach, 3909

On 09/01/15 10:34, deennoo wrote:

OK i understand, first i'll wait to get some writting on serial
monitor to be sure to recieve m'y sensor.

Can you share your python script ? I want to update my Wu station with
my sensor, with our exemple and anotherone (RTL_osv21) i think i'll
get some succes

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#3 (comment).

Rob I dont had pressur And hum sensor on my arduino, m'y goal is to record log from all m'y osv3 sensor to update my WU station and my domoticz devices.For pressure i use a bthgn129 sensor who is osv2 And already add to RTL_osv21 by my self

Does external sensor are needed to get value on serial monitor ? (20 minutes soft run and still nothing, but on osv3 sketch value are here)

Not quite sure Deennoo what you are wanting to do.

My system at best just presents OS V3 sensors in human readable form, it
does not interface with WWW weather services eg
etc though I am sure that could be written by people better skilled than
me. However as it is now the software just does a simple, basic output
of data.

I am not sure what you mean here "WU station and my domoticz devices"
and "already add to RTL_osv21 by my self"

Pardon me for asking, I suspect English is not your native language?
This does not worry me, and I do not want to offend you, but I am not
fluent any other language, so if you have two languages you are doing
much better than me :-)

If you can give me a longer explanation of what you want to do I may be
able to help,

Best wishes...

Rob Ward
Lake Tyers Beach, 3909

On 09/01/15 17:45, deennoo wrote:

Rob I dont had pressur And hum sensor on my arduino, m'y goal is to
record log from all m'y osv3 sensor to update my WU station and my
domoticz devices.For pressure i use a bthgn129 sensor who is osv2 And
already add to RTL_osv21 by my selfEnvoyé depuis mon mobile
Huawei-------- Message original --------Objet : Re: [ArduinoWeatherOS]
Where is write CSV file ? (#3)De : Rob Ward À :
robwlakes/ArduinoWeatherOS Cc : deennoo I would be happy to but it is
has been not prepared for distribution,
unlike my Arduino material.

I can certainly give you enough to get you going.

However let's get some good data off the Oregon sensors and Arduino first.

PS have you added the Air Pressure sensor and Humidity sensor?

Rob Ward
Lake Tyers Beach, 3909
Lake Tyers Beach Website
XP to XUbuntu - The journey, join me!

On 09/01/15 10:34, deennoo wrote:

OK i understand, first i'll wait to get some writting on serial
monitor to be sure to recieve m'y sensor.

Can you share your python script ? I want to update my Wu station with
my sensor, with our exemple and anotherone (RTL_osv21) i think i'll
get some succes

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#3 (comment).

—Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

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#3 (comment).

Hi Deennoo,

Sorry I have been reading and replying on email, and today I have looked on GIT-Hub for the conversation for the first time and seen all of your reply.
Your question about the "Does external sensor are needed to get value on serial monitor ?" was missing from the email version.
Answer: In the last most complicated version of the program it uses two sensors connected to the Ardunio Uno board, however it does not wait for them to respond, it only waits until it has read all three wireless transmitters, Wind, Temperature and Rain. If you don't have all three of these OS V3.0 sensors then it will wait for ever.
However the final version of the program usually crashes if the Pressure and Humidity sensors are not also there, as it tries to read them and the library replies "Device not found" or some such warning. I would suggest strongly to start from the simplest program and work your way up. The simplest version just prints out the raw codes coming in from the OS V3.0 wireless based sensors and does no processing on them (just the hexadecimal readings of the packet are shown) and does not refer to the Humidity or Pressure sensor at all so will not crash if you don't have them installed and also will not crash if you only have one OS sensor eg Rainfall.
Let me know if you can get some of the simpler versions working and how far you can get with them before things stop working.

Cheers, Rob

Here is the full circuit required for the last program to work.
and it looks like this..


what do you call simpler version ?

I got 3 .ino files

  • Debug_Auto
  • DebugManchester
  • Arduino_OsWeatherv26

What i want ? create a csv file who log my osv3 sensor

on Arduino_Osweatherv26
I try to remove BMP05 and DHT22 from your sketch, and update line 289 from 7 to 4 (by just keeping os sensor information) but result for the moment is still the same.

Does on serial monitor i can see some result of what your sketch recieve ?

Sorry Deennoo,
Try the files here
These are my more up to date versions.
So try in this order:
DebugVersion12 Best Raw
DebugVersion12 BestDebugger

AlI apologise I did not realise you might have been in that repository. I hope you find these files more helpful. The algorithm for Manchester decoding is so much better!

Cheers, Rob

ok thank you for last update, see you here !