
battery level

micg77 opened this issue · 3 comments

thanks a lot for your program.
I have found where the battery level is fixed : it is the 3rd bite of nyble 8.
If you add battery_level = bitRead(nyb(8),2); you get it.

Hope it will help.


thank you for your developed answer. (sorry for my level of english, I will do my best to answer you)
I don't have any UV sensor. so I can't help about your problem. But I have in mind to have one. So it is interesting for me anyway to have your feedback.

My project is not finished yet, so I haven't published anything. My goal is to control my electric heaters in each room of my house. So my arduino reads the temperature coming from 3 THGR810 sensors, and asked every electric heater to turn on or off depending on the instruction.
That is why it is important for me to have the low battery information;

I have done all my test with 3 THGR810 sensor. This kind sensor has a small screen. So i can read on it : temperature, humidity and low battery information.
So i can easily compare the screen with what tells the arduino.

I have also discover that the low battery sign turns on on the screen when the voltage is below 2,5 Volt.
To avoid rolling code problem, and minimise the number of changing value in the signal, I have build the following protocol : I have chosen 2 old AAA battery which have 2.53 Volt together at ambiant temperature (thanks to the toys of my kids). I have put the sensor in my freezer (minus -18°C) hoping that the old battery would have their voltage to decrease.
Then i have displayed all nyble waiting for any change and it has worked.
I have done many checks using this protocol.

To validate I have done some other tests with my other THGR810 sensor. And now I am really confident with my result.

Of course, I can't tell with the other kind of sensor (wind and rain).

Thanks again for your program which has helped me a lot to understand the oregon v3 protocol.

