
Using Jolt with Flecs & Dear ImGui 👀 to add game physics introspection to a raylib game, with pause and stepping for dev tools debugging 🐜.

Primary LanguageCMake

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raylib Flecs ImGui Introspection


CMake project based Jolt physics raylib Hello World, showing how to integrate Flecs, Dear ImGui and Raylib to add physics introspection. The code accompanies the Rodney Lab article on using Jolt with Flecs and Dear ImGui, which provides some pointers on getting start with and setting up Jolt with raylib. If you have any questions, please drop a comment at the bottom of that page.

🖥️ Usage

Terminal animation shows t
│ he user entering the following commands:  cd .build, cmake .., cmake --
│ build ., ./bin/RaylibFlecsImGuiIntrospection. Then out shows animation steps inc
│ luding velocity and position at each step.

Requires CMake and a C++ compiler.

Clone the repo then run:

mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

With the game running, press the F9 key to bring up the debug interface and close the preview, or use F9 again to close it.

☎️ Issues

Feel free to jump into the Rodney Lab matrix chat room.