Manipulator - ROS Project

It's a model of Industrial Manipulator KUKA. Full description you can read in File "Robot Description"

How to run project:

  1. Open Linux console
  2. Create workspace folder (Example: mkdir -p robot_ws/src)
  3. Go to workspace folder (cd robot_ws)
  4. Use command catkin_make
  5. Open src and put there manipulator folder
  6. return to robot_ws/ and launch catkin_make again
  7. Write command source devel/setup.bash
  8. Use command roslaunch robot_gazebo rviz.launch to run RVIZ and command roslaunch robot_gazebo begin.launch torum model in GAZEBO
  9. Enjoy!

Second Part - Create a model using Xacro (manipulator_xacro folder). I used xacro in order to parameterize the sizes of the links of robots, and easily change the rotation angles of each rotational joint. I also used a macro to set the same moment of inertia for each link by default, however this is temporary

How to run project:

  1. Open Linux console
  2. Create workspace folder (if you want use previous workspace, delete manipulator folder) (Example: mkdir -p robot_ws/src)
  3. Go to workspace folder (cd robot_ws)
  4. Use command catkin_make
  5. Open src and put there manipulator folder
  6. return to robot_ws/ and launch catkin_make again
  7. Write command source devel/setup.bash
  8. Use command roslaunch robot_gazebo rviz.launch to run RVIZ and command roslaunch robot_gazebo begin.launch torum model in GAZEBO
  9. Enjoy!

If you want to mak echanges in manipulator's configuration:

  1. Open robot.xacro in directory ./src/manipulator_xacro/robot_description/urdf
  2. Change parameters
  3. Go to that directory in console (cd ./src/manipulator_xacro/robot_description/urdf)
  4. Generate urdf file using command: xacro robot.xacro -> robot.urdf
  5. Enjoy