
This project is an iOS application developed in SwiftUI and MVVM architecture. It uses the Rick and Morty API to display a list of characters and their details. The project follows a Test Driven Development (TDD) approach and uses modern technologies such as Async/Await and custom cache implementation to optimise performance.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

MCA Rick And Morty iOS App

This project is an iOS application developed in SwiftUI and MVVM architecture. It uses the Rick and Morty API to display a list of characters and their details. The project follows a Test Driven Development (TDD) approach and uses modern technologies such as Async/Await and custom cache implementation to optimise performance.

Tech Stack

  • SwiftUI
  • MVVM architecture
  • Test-driven development (TDD)
  • Async/Await
  • iOS 16

Time Tracking

Logging of hours spent on each project task.

Date Task Hours Employed
08/01/2024 Initial analisis, create repo, create backlog 1:30H
09/01/2024 API Design and Testing 1H
10/01/2024 Implementing API Services 1:30H
10/01/2024 Implement Characters Data 1H
11/01/2024 Create base UI - SEE TODAY'S NOTE TO GET HOW 2H WAS SPENT 2h
13/01/2024 Create a good user interface - SEE TODAY'S NOTE TO GET HOW 2H WAS SPENT 2H


Task Description Status
Create repo and make the initial analysis of how the app will be developed. It is the initial task where an empty project is created and all the backlog points are organised for a more optimised development. DONE
Initial Project Configuration Configure the project in Xcode with SwiftUI. DONE
API Design and Testing Design the structure of API calls with unit tests. DONE
Implementing API Services Develop and test logic to consume the Rick and Morty API. DONE
Implement Characters Data Implement character data manager, repository and use casese DONE
Basic User Interface Design Create a basic interface for the list of characters and details. DONE
Create a good user interface Create a final user interface before finish other task DONE
Implement dynamic color into the interface Implent how to change background color with image avarege color DOING
Navigation Coordinator Implement a navigation coordinator using NavigationStack. TODO
Implement Episodes Data Implement Espisode data manager, repository and use cases TODO
Error and Status Management Implement a system for error handling and load states, including testing. TODO
Image and Response Caches Develop a cache class with unit tests. TODO
UX/UI and Design Improvements in Figma Refine the user interface and create a design system in Figma. TODO
Research on Server Driven UI Investigate how to implement Server Driven UI in the project. TODO

Git Workflow

To ensure efficient and organised development, a simple Git workflow will be followed:

  1. Master Branch: The main branch where the code is always in its most stable state.

  2. Feature Branches: For each new feature or task, a separate branch is created (e.g., feature/api-integration).

  3. Commits Regulares: Make small, frequent commits with clear and descriptive messages.

  4. Pull Requests y Code Reviews: Although working alone, pull requests are used to merge feature branches into the main branch, allowing for self-imposed code review.

  5. Merge and Delete Feature Branches: After a feature is completed and tested, it is merged into the main branch and the feature branch is removed to keep the repository organised.

Project History

A chronological log of major decisions, changes, and milestones in the project, along with daily challenges and learnings.

Fecha Evento Comentarios y Aprendizajes
[08/01/2024] Creation of the repository and initial analysis of the project. No comments on is day
[08/01/2024] Start the analysis on how to desing API service I will take advantage of the structure that I have been using in other projects and that I am even creating a library called RequestBuilder. This library is still under development but the code used will help me to build on it.
[08/01/2024] Start create network classes and test Even if I do have a lot of code ready, I'm re-writing it to fallow correctly TDD and the backlog created
[09/01/2024] Keep create network classes and test I have finished with the creation of protocols that will help standardise the creation of responses. I discovered a bug in my original URLRequesBuilder class when I was doing the tests for that project. I was able to fix it and made notes to change it in the framework I'm building.
[09/01/2024] Modify git ignore I noticed that the "ignore file" was not configured correctly as it was asking for DS_STORE all the time.
[09/01/2024] Modify README For the interview I have added a track of the time I have worked each day.
[10/01/2024] Implement API Sevice Implement the entire api access layer and make some tests
[10/01/2024] A lot of refactoring While writing the new code I realised that I should have gone into more detail and divided the tasks more. I also had to do a lot of refactoring and apply other concepts.
[10/01/2024] New backlog I have decided to increase the backlog to better divide the tasks.
[11/01/2024] Create UI base Creating a simple user interface is not complicated. The hard part was to fit it all together, since it is such a simple application, I decided to work very well on the architecture. So, when it was time to instantiate the VM I saw that there was a lot to cover. Creating a robust and functional Dependency Injection system was complex and even forced me to remove the VM as MainActor.
[11/01/2024] Create UI base Once it was all finished, it was like playing a puzzle game, as it was just a matter of fitting the pieces together, but in a very simple way. As I am running out of time, I'm going to focus the rest on creating a nice UI.
[13/01/2024] Create better UI Here I have seen how a "FIGMA" is important. In the end, in the rush to deliver everything, I couldn't think of a UI that I liked. I had clear that I wanted to implement a HERO ANIMATION but the truth was more expensive than I thought.
[13/01/2024] Background color I want to implement this dynamic colour change. But it is true that the fact of working with asynchronous images makes it a bit complicated but as a personal challenge I want to do it.