This package is based on the following publications:
- Scale-Aware Navigation of a Low-Cost Quadrocopter with a Monocular Camera (J. Engel, J. Sturm, D. Cremers)
- Camera-Based Navigation of a Low-Cost Quadrocopter (J. Engel, J. Sturm, D. Cremers)
- Accurate Figure Flying with a Quadrocopter Using Onboard Visual and Inertial Sensing (J. Engel, J. Sturm, D. Cremers)
Basically, the implementation found in the tum_ardrone package was used to test different controllers.
The state feedback gains was calculated using the matlab files, seen in the matlab folder
You can find some videos on youtube: LQR controller and H infinity controller
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone -b main
cd ..
roslaunch tum_ardrone ardrone_driver.launch
roslaunch tum_ardrone tum_ardrone.launch
- Reference response
- Control signals
- 3D response
- Reference response
- Control signals
- 3D response