Unity Object Pool


  • Use the namespace ObjectPool
  • Your new prefab reference needs to be of type PoolableGameObject instead of GameObject
  • On your Start method, call the Prewarm()function
using UnityEngine;
using ObjectPool;

public class TestObjectPool : MonoBehaviour
    public PoolableGameObject cubes;

    void Start()
  • On unity editor, there is additional information to edit:

PoolableGameObject data

  • Prefab: The GameObject to be pooled
  • AmountToPool: How many GameObjects should be instatiated
  • ShouldExpand: Should expand the pool when every instantiated objects are already in use?
  • Disposable: Should dispose when the pool is soft flushed?


  • Instead of using unity Object.Instantiate static method, switch to ObjectPoolManager.Instance.Retrieve(PooledGameObject)
  • PooledGameObject.instance is the now the way to access the created GameObject
void Update()
    if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) {
        PooledGameObject gameObj = ObjectPoolManager.Instance.Retrieve(cubes);

        gameObj.instance.transform.parent = this.transform;
        gameObj.instance.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
  • There is a second optional parameter to the Retrieve function which creates the objects with a delay self recycle
  • This parameter represents the time in seconds
void Update()
    if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) {
        PooledGameObject gameObj = ObjectPoolManager.Instance.Retrieve(cubes, 2f);

        gameObj.instance.transform.parent = this.transform;
        gameObj.instance.transform.position = Vector3.zero;


  • Switch Object.Destroy to ObjectPoolManager.Instance.Recycle(PooledGameObject)
void Update()
    if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape)) {
  • Also, it's possible to delay the recycle using a second parameter, the value is in seconds
void Update()
    if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape)) {
        ObjectPoolManager.Instance.Recycle(gameObj, 1f);

Flushing the pool

  • Use the method ObjectPoolManager.Instance.DisposePool(); to empty the pool
  • Remember that only the objects marked as Disposable will be destroyed
  • To hard flush the pool, removing every single object, use a boolean parameter ObjectPoolManager.Instance.DisposePool(true);

IPoolable interface

  • Optionally, the prefab script can implement IPoolable interface
  • This way, every time it's instance is retrieved or recycled, the methods Retrieve() and Recycle() will be fired respectively.
using UnityEngine;
using ObjectPool;

public class CubeBehaviour : MonoBehaviour, IPoolable
    public void Retrieve()
        print("Object Retrieved");

    public void Recycle()
        print("Object Recycled");

Managed Update

  • When working with a great amount of objects, it's considered a good practice to center each individual Update() into a single behaviour in order to optimize performance
  • ObjectPoolManager is also able to concentrate instanced objects updates, just extend IManagedUpdate interface
  • It's possible to combine IPoolable and IManagedUpdate interfaces
using UnityEngine;
using ObjectPool;

public class CubeBehaviour : MonoBehaviour, IPoolable, IManagedUpdate
    public void Retrieve()

    public void Recycle()

    public void ManagedUpdate(float deltaTime)
