
A Data Visualization Dashboard built from scratch using ReactJS and Node.js (MEAN stack)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A web application dashboard built for Yelp using ReactJS, Express, Node.js and MongoDB. The dashboard consists of visualiations using D3.js and d3-react-cloud. The dashboard showcases the results from the data analysis on Yelp Data Modeling


What you need:

  1. Node (12.14.1)
  2. NPM (6.13.6) or Yarn (1.22.4)
  3. MongoDB (4.2.3)

How to run:

  1. Make sure MongoDB is installed and running on your system
  2. Extract the database from the moongodump [https://unl.app.box.com/folder/111763852404] or run the required scripts provided at:
  3. Clone this repository
  4. Open command line in the cloned folder,
    • To install dependencies:
      go to ./frontend/ then run npm install <br/> go to ./backend/ then run npm install
    • To run the application for development:
      To run the server: backend/ npm run dev
      To run the web application : frontend/ npm start
  5. Open localhost:3000 in the browser

Author: Rojina Deuja Last Update: 04-28-2020