Source code repository of "Safer Illinois" App - the official COVID-19 app of the University of Illinois.
- abdelmoujoudaza
- amillerUniversity of Illinois
- anantk17Urbana, Illinois
- bryan-luntDepartment of Computer Science, UC San Diego
- chrisjuniorli
- cjfields@HPCBio @h3abionet @OBF @IGBIllinois @bioperl
- coatlessUniversity of Illinois (UIUC)
- coreyjr2University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- djl-illinois
- esnekoLatvia
- gaoypChina
- harsh183@Modern-Treasury
- hwayneChicago
- InnovativeInventor@Pi-Squared-Inc
- isaac-galvanUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- jbasney@NCSA
- jcphill@ncsa
- jwbowersUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- kadie-weberNew York
- KravetsB
- mpitcel
- nishkumMicrosoft Research
- pthariensflameModesto, CA, USA
- renzol2CS@Illinois
- sandeep-ps@ncsa, @illinois
- sno2Iowa State '27
- tech-andgarColombia
- timothy-hart
- VegaDeftwingNebraska
- wgwzGreen River
- yibityibit
- zeh3
- zimo-xiao