
🚘 Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree | Udacity

Term 1: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Sensor Fusion

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project Finding Lane Lines on the Road In this project, you will be writing code to identify lane lines on the road, first in an image, and later in a video stream (really just a series of images). To complete this project you will use the tools you learned about in the lesson, and build upon them.
project Advanced Lane Finding In this project, your goal is to write a software pipeline to identify the lane boundaries in a video from a front-facing camera on a car.
project Traffic Sign Classifier You just finished getting your feet wet with deep learning. Now put your skills to the test by using deep learning to classify different traffic signs!
project Behavioral Cloning Put your deep learning skills to the test with this project! Train a deep neural network to drive a car like you!
project Extended Kalman Filters In this project, you'll apply everything you've learned so far about Sensor Fusion by implementing an Extended Kalman Filter in C++!

Term 2: Localization, Path Planning, Control, and System Integration

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project Kidnapped Vehicle In this project, you'll build a particle filter and combine it with a real map to localize a vehicle!
project Path Planning Project In this project, you’ll design a path planner that is able to create smooth, safe paths for the car to follow along a 3 lane highway with traffic.
project PID Controller In this project you'll revisit the lake race track from the Behavioral Cloning Project. This time, however, you'll implement a PID controller in C++ to maneuver the vehicle around the track!
project Model Predictive Control In this project, you'll implement Model Predictive Control to drive a vehicle around the track even with additional latency between commands!
project Programming a Real Self-Driving Car! In this project you will be run your code on Carla, the Udacity self-driving vehicle! You can provide feedback in the project rubric along with links to datasets or videos that you want to provide to the student.