
C artificial intelligence that guides an autonomous car through a virtual racetrack.

Primary LanguageC


C artificial intelligence that guides an autonomous car through a virtual racetrack.

Need4Stek demo


How to use Need4Stek?

  1. Compile the AI

Run this command from the root of the repository to build the ai executable:

  1. Run V-REP 3.2.3

A copy of V-REP for Linux 64-bits is available in the dependencies/ folder at the root of the repository. You can also download V-REP 3.2.3 here.

To run V-REP 3.2.3, execute the vrep.sh Bash script.

If you're using the copy of V-REP shipped with Need4Stek, run this command from the root of the repository:

  1. Import a scene

Inside V-REP, go to File > Open scene... and import one of the scenes (.ttt) located in the scene/ folder at the root of the repository. Each scene represents a racetrack.

  1. Run the simulation

Run this command from the root of the repository to run the simulation:


Then you can go back to the V-REP window and you will see the car making its way through the racetrack using our artificial intelligence.