
Generate mappability tracks as BigWig file from genome fasta with GEM

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Generate mappability tracks as BigWig file from genome fasta with GEM



Edit config.sh to specify paths to the required binaries and a number of max mismatches to calculate mappability (default=2, following UCSC mappability tracks).


wig-filter.py filters Wig variableStep tracks which have scores lower than specified score and output a Wig or bedGraph format file.
By default, this script passes only score=1 (uniquely mappable) regions.

Work with Sun/Univa Grid Engine

01-make-gem-index.sh, 02-make-mappability.sh

If a number of threads is not specified, these scripts use NSLOTS variable as the number of threads.

02-make-mappability.sh, 03-get-bigwig.sh

If a read length is not specified, these scripts use SGE_TASK_ID variable as the read length.