
A collection of awesome .NET libraries, tools, frameworks and software

Awesome .NET!

A collection of awesome .NET libraries, tools, frameworks, and software.

Inspired by awesome-ruby, awesome-php, awesome-python, frontend-dev-bookmarks and ruby-bookmarks.

Contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines and quality standard pages first.

Thanks to all contributors, you're awesome and wouldn't be possible without you! The goal is to build a categorized community-driven collection of very well-known resources.


  • Frameworks

    • ASP.NET WebAPI - Framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices
    • ServiceStack - Thoughtfully architected, obscenely fast, thoroughly enjoyable web services for all
  • WebAPI Contrib - Collection of open source projects to help improve your work with ASP.NET Web API


  • Cassette - Manages .NET web application assets (scripts, css and templates)
  • NodeAssets - Asset Manager for .net that has live css updates using SignalR and can optionally leverage NodeJS compilers
  • Bundler - Compile & Minify Less/Sass/Stylus/Css/JS/CoffeeScript/LiveScript files. Integrates with MVC and ServiceStack

Authentication and Authorization

Build Automation

  • Psake - .NET-based build automation tool written in PowerShell
  • FAKE - F# Make, a cross platform build automation system


  • CacheCow - An ASP.NET Web API HTTP caching implementation both on client and server


  • Command Line Parser - The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks


  • Umbraco - Umbraco is a free open source Content Management System built on the ASP.NET platform
  • Composite C1 - A web CMS that focus on UX and adaptability
  • Orchard - Free, open source, community-focused project aimed at delivering applications and reusable components on the ASP.NET platform
  • mojoPortal - MojoPortal is an extensible, cross database, mobile friendly, web content management system (CMS) and web application framework written in C# ASP.NET

Code Analysis and Metrics

  • StyleCop - StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules
  • Gendarme - Extensible rule-based tool to find problems in .NET applications and libraries


  • HashLib - HashLib is a collection of nearly all hash algorithms you've ever seen, it supports almost everything and is very easy to use

Database Drivers


  • SlimDX - DirectX framework wrapper for .NET applications


  • Sandcastle - Sandcastle Help File Builder similar to NDoc
  • SharpDox - A c# documentation tool

E-Commerce and Payments

Environment Management


  • SharpDevelop - A free IDE for .NET programming languages
  • MonoDevelop - MonoDevelop is a cross platform IDE mostly aimed at Mono/.NET developers
  • Visual Studio Express - The free lightweight version of Visual Studio for .NET programming.

Image Processing

  • ImageResizer - Add commands to image URLs to get altered versions in milliseconds. Resizing, editing etc of images in real-time.


  • i18n - Smart internationalization for ASP.NET MVC


  • Castle Windsor - Castle Windsor is best of breed, mature Inversion of Control container available for .NET and Silverlight
  • Unity - Lightweight extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection
  • Autofac - An addictive .NET IoC container
  • Ninject - The ninja of .net dependency injectors


  • NLog - NLog - Advanced .NET and Silverlight Logging
  • ELMAH - Official ELMAH site
  • Elmah MVC - Elmah for MVC
  • Log4Net - The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets


  • AzureCrawler - Take HTML Snapshots for your Angular, Ember, Durandal or any JavaScript applications
  • .NET Fiddle - Write, compile and run C# code in the browser. The C# equivalent of JSFiddle.


  • Entity Framework - Object-relational mapper that enables .NET developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects
  • BL Toolkit - Business Logic Toolkit for .NET
  • Dapper
  • Dapper Extensions - Small library that complements Dapper by adding basic CRUD operations (Get, Insert, Update, Delete) for your POCOs
  • NHibernate - NHibernate Object Relational Mapper
  • FluentMigrator - Fluent Migrations framework for .net

Package Management

  • NuGet - THE .NET Package Manager
  • OpenWrap - OpenWrap Package Manager


  • NServiceBus - The most popular service bus for .NET
  • RabbitMQ.NET - Implementation of an AMQP client library for C#, and a binding exposing AMQP services via WCF
  • NetMQ - NetMQ is 100% native C# port of ZeroMQ

SDK and API Clients

  • AWS SDK - The AWS SDK for .NET enables .NET developers to easily work with Amazon Web Services
  • Azure SDK Tools - A set of PowerShell cmdlets for developers and administrators to develop, deploy and manage Microsoft Azure applications
  • Octokit.NET - A GitHub API client library for .NET


Style Guide


  • NUnit
  • xUnit - xUnit.net is a free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for the .NET Framework
  • SpecFlow - Binding business requirements to .Net code
  • AutoFixture - AutoFixture is an open source framework for .NET designed to minimize the 'Arrange' phase of your unit tests
  • Moq - The most popular and friendly mocking framework for .NET
  • Machine.Specifications - Machine.Specifications (MSpec) is a context/specification framework that removes language noise and simplifies tests.
  • Rhino Mocks - Dynamic Mocking Framework for .NET
  • Fluent Assertions - A set of .NET extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style test

Visual Studio Plugins

  • Web Essentials - Web Essentials extends Visual Studio with lots of new features that web developers have been missing for many years
  • VsVIM - VIM in Visual Studio
  • Nuget Package Manager - NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including .NET
  • SideWaffle - A collection of Item Templates for Visual Studio 2012/2013 that makes any web developer's life much easier
  • Resharper - Developer Productivity Tool for Visual Studio (Commercial)

Web Frameworks

  • ASP.NET MVC - ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great web sites and applications
  • NancyFx - Lightweight, low-ceremony, framework for building HTTP based services on .Net and Mono
  • IISNode - Host NodeJS applications in IIS

Web Servers

  • EmbedIO - Web server built on Mono and cross-platform


  • SignalR - Library for ASP.NET developers that makes it incredibly simple to add real-time web functionality to your applications
  • Fleck - Fleck is a WebSocket server implementation in C#. Branched from the Nugget project
  • Websocket-Sharp - A C# implementation of the WebSocket protocol client and server

Windows Services

  • TopShelf - An easy service hosting framework for building Windows services using .NET

Other Awesome Lists

Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in the awesome-awesomeness list.