Setting up a distributed Kubernetes cluster along with Istio service mesh locally with Vagrant and VirtualBox, only PoC or Demo use.
- 7
the certificate has expired
#112 opened by TravisRoad - 4
#109 opened by lionxu - 0
- 1
Want to integrate Dapr
#108 opened by alvin-su - 0
- 0
同一service下 pod相互ping不通
#105 opened by DeyunLuo - 7
Missing kubectl after vagrant up
#85 opened by metaabc - 1
kiali signing key for login tokens is invalid
#104 opened by gh0sthx - 7
Grafana did not show normal
#61 opened by haiyuancheng - 7
- 1
why versions above 5.2 are not supported?
#103 opened by gh0sthx - 1
Do you support VirtualBox version 6.1.22r144080?
#101 opened by winer632 - 4
The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
#100 opened by GaryQiao - 2
- 2
- 0
node1: SSH auth method: private key
#98 opened by zhongstar - 2
- 4
- 1
dashboard service not found
#96 opened by tangximing - 10
- 14
opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/2.2.3/gems/vagrant-2.2.3/plugins/hosts/bsd/cap/nfs.rb:11:in `nfs_export': wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 5) (ArgumentError)
#57 opened by XionZhao - 1
ingress pod image is Blocked
#91 opened by Hellovolcanoofficial - 0
Grafana bad gateway
#89 opened by tandt2402 - 1
proxy node 1 config hostname node 2
#88 opened by tandt2402 - 0
no configuration has been provided
#87 opened by tandt2402 - 1
Help how to create pki
#86 opened by tandt2402 - 7
After `vagrant up`: chmod: cannot access ‘/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf’: No such file or directory
#82 opened by YoungWilliamZ - 4
- 3
windows 10,install error
#60 opened by A-Ethan - 10
- 2
运行一段时间后,8443 就没有在Listening
#59 opened by robertchen - 2
unable to recognize "STDIN"
#70 opened by lidenis - 2
- 6
- 2
#77 opened by xinzhaizisunqi - 3
- 1
无法挂载 /vagrant
#81 opened by caitui - 2
virtualbox stuck at vagrant up
#78 opened by qyd159 - 2
会卡在mounting NFS shared folders这一步
#83 opened by hxr2333 - 1
access error with
#79 opened by congim - 1
mount: unknown filesystem type 'vboxsf'
#73 opened by jahentao - 1
flannel 是否没有安装成功?
#71 opened by BingLau7 - 2
Change the flannel to calico
#69 opened by xieydd - 0
Installation problems
#64 opened by zollty - 1
That seemd User forbiden in Dashboard(node1:8443) with my deployment using cenos7-host
#68 opened by gmctl - 10
tar: kubernetes/server/bin/kube-scheduler.docker_tag: Cannot change ownership to uid 0, gid 0:
#58 opened by ibit2 - 1 spell error
#66 opened by icecraft - 1
All pods disappeared
#63 opened by yuri-li - 7
- 1
kiali port number
#56 opened by controling