
React: A Look Behind The Scenes Of React & Optimization Techniques

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React: A Look Behind The Scenes Of React & Optimization Techniques

The 7º React Project (Section 12) of the course "React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)" by Academind (Maximilian Schwarzmüller)

Section 12 (A Look Behind The Scenes Of React & Optimization Techniques) covered:

  • How React Really Works
  • Component Updates In Action
  • A Closer Look At Child Component Re-Evaluation
  • Preventing Unnecessary Re-Evaluations with React.memo()
  • Preventing Function Re-Creation with useCallback()
  • useCallback() and its Dependencies
  • A Closer Look At State & Components
  • Understanding State Scheduling & Batching
  • Optimizing with useMemo()

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