Proper working Arduino library for the Heltec ESP32 LoRa v3 board, as well as for Wireless Stick v3 and Wireless Stick Lite v3. Uses RadioLib
- 10
Adoption of the Vision Master E290 and T190
#41 opened by Genaker - 9
Diaplay not Work
#63 opened by Rumhocker - 0
Battery voltage at V3.2 Boards
#67 opened by Rumhocker - 0
Is there an older version for 32(V2) baords?
#65 opened by FlailAway - 42
example LoRaWAN_TTN not working
#40 opened by BennoB666 - 1
No board named / wireless shell
#49 opened by W4KRL - 3
Not receiving join-accept
#62 opened by WhiptongueHydra - 0
Adapting to SX1278
#61 opened by damian5602 - 2
PlatformIO is much better than the Arduino IDE.
#60 opened by decodeais - 7
- 4
UiDemo not working
#58 opened by Zep0 - 3
I am quite confused
#56 opened by BararDiHoumes - 2
V3.1 Battery volume
#46 opened by saber2r - 2
I/Q Signals
#44 opened by ruizcrp - 7
installation in
#6 opened by cibernox - 9
#51 opened by decodeais - 4
LoRaWAN_ESP32.h: No such file or directory
#47 opened by m2mlorawan - 1
Invalid FQBN
#50 opened by W4KRL - 2
- 1
support for Heltec Wireless tracker
#39 opened by omikron88 - 1
lpp cayenne error with multiple channel
#38 opened by serpentRenard - 1
Heltec alternative lora boards?
#37 opened by treanus - 4
USB D+ and D- on headers
#35 opened by MichaelPWalter - 2
multiple definition
#28 opened by jo-ei - 1
save RTC Clock
#32 opened by jo-ei - 7
PlatformIO VSC config Ubuntu
#24 opened by jo-ei - 2
rx' was not declared in this scope
#30 opened by GQster - 4
Heltec Lora 32 (V3)
#25 opened by johnp2605 - 7
- 4
Not compatible with esp32 3.0.0-rc1 library?
#23 opened by ademars - 1
- 5
DevNonce isnt being saved
#20 opened by recklessop - 3
ESP32 Lora v3 spectrum scanner
#21 opened by Aerostar666 - 4
display.clear() doesn't seem to work
#19 opened by JakeBiggs - 2
heltec_deep_sleep wrapper(): absence of cast of "seconds" to (int64_t) leads to overflow
#18 opened by gradew - 2
Basic example failure
#17 opened by xznhj8129 - 2
Temperature sensor not working
#16 opened by JakeBiggs - 1
- 2
Unable to use with Arduino IDE 2.3.2
#15 opened by gradew - 18
- 4
Arduino 2.3.2 error installing board
#12 opened by mludlum - 2
Arduino 2.3.2 setup
#13 opened by W4KRL - 3
HotButton.h missing from distribution
#7 opened by tao480 - 5
wrong schematic diagram for Stick_V3
#5 opened by aintgotnoname - 3
[TYPO] Wrong link to RTC EEPROM in
#4 opened by Velocet - 1
Arduino IDE sez "modules/SX126x/patches/SX126x_patch_scan.h: No such file or directory"
#3 opened by ZachreyNM - 4
WirelessStick behavior.
#1 opened by aintgotnoname