
Error in package.xml

yuntianli91 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, @flynneva, thanks to your great job.

I realized you have add support for ROS1 since version 0.8.0, however I think there is a mistyping in the <export> label of package.xml, which are:

    <build_type condition="$ROS_VERSION == 1">ament_cmake</build_type>
    <build_type condition="$ROS_VERSION == 2">ament_cmake</build_type>

however the buile_type should be catkin for ROS1. I changed this label and it works for ROS1 now.

Also there are some error in the function iterface (such as m_camera.start(), e.t.c) in the executable src/ros1/usb_cam_node.cpp, I'm will check how to fix it ...

Also there are some error in the function iterface (such as m_camera.start(), e.t.c) in the executable src/ros1/usb_cam_node.cpp, I'm will check how to fix it ...

The problem is the take_and_send_image() function, I past my version below:

 bool take_and_send_image()
    // grab the new image
    auto new_image = m_camera.get_image();

    // fill in the image message
    m_image.header.stamp.sec = m_camera.get_image_timestamp().tv_sec;
    m_image.header.stamp.nsec = m_camera.get_image_timestamp().tv_nsec;

    // Only resize if required
    if ( != static_cast<size_t>(m_camera.get_image_step() * m_camera.get_image_height())) {
      m_image.width = m_camera.get_image_width();
      m_image.height = m_camera.get_image_height();
      m_image.encoding = m_camera.get_pixel_format()->ros();
      m_image.step = m_camera.get_image_step(); * m_camera.get_image_height());

    // Fill in image data
    memcpy(&[0], new_image,;

    // grab the camera info
    sensor_msgs::CameraInfoPtr ci(new sensor_msgs::CameraInfo(m_camera_info->getCameraInfo()));
    ci->header.frame_id = m_image.header.frame_id;
    ci->header.stamp = m_image.header.stamp;

    // publish the image
    m_image_pub.publish(m_image, *ci);

    return true;

@yuntianli91 yes the plan was to merge together the divergent ros1 and ROS2 branches eventually so they can use the same underlying base USB cam library, just I never had time to finish it up

Thanks for the effort / debugging here, is it ok if I open a PR to fix this or did you want to?

@yuntianli91 yes the plan was to merge together the divergent ros1 and ROS2 branches eventually so they can use the same underlying base USB cam library, just I never had time to finish it up

Thanks for the effort / debugging here, is it ok if I open a PR to fix this or did you want to?

Well, I think it's better to open a PR to fix it as you're much more familier with the source code, I'm quite looking forward to your future release.
Thanks in advance ^_^ !