
ROS2 and ROS error

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, when i download your programm and try to catkin_make it, I get the following error:
This workspace contains non-catkin packages in it, and catkin cannot build a non-homogeneous workspace without isolation. Try the 'catkin_make_isolated' command instead.
I thought that maybe your program is in ROS2, but my environment is ROS. Do you have the versions in ROS?

If you're using the default branch that's for ROS 2 as per the name foxy-devel. YOu will want to check out the appropriate branch for your rosdistro. You can find the appropriate branch for each distro in rosindex: under the VCS Version label.

If you need more help please ask your question on this it a bug tracker where we try to track issues in the code that need to be fixed.