
[DEPRECATED] Sandboxing plugin for launch_ros

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This package is no longer under development. It was built for a 2019 Roscon workshop and has no future planned usage or maintenance. Repository not deleted for historical reasons (so as not to break existing indexes that contain links to it)


License Documentation Status

launch_ros_sandbox is a roslaunch2 extension.

Using launch_ros_sandbox, you can define launch files running nodes in restrained environments, such as Docker containers or separate user accounts with limited privileges.

Package documentation



launch_ros_sandbox requires Docker to be installed on your machine and that your user can execute docker commands.

Check that your current user account is a member of the docker group:

groups | grep docker

If docker is not listed, add yourself to the group using:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Binary Packages


On Ubuntu 18.04, you can install launch_ros_sandbox by running:

sudo apt install ros-dashing-launch-ros-sandbox

Installing from source

Dashing (dashing-devel branch)

This is the recommended way to install this software.

  • Install ROS 2 Dashing on your machine following the official instructions. We recommend you use the official binary packages for your platform, if available.
  • Checkout the code source and compile it as follow:
# If you use bash or zsh, source setup.bash or setup.zsh, instead of setup.sh
source /opt/ros/dashing/setup.sh
mkdir -p ~/ros2_dashing_ros_launch_sandbox_ws/src
cd ros2_dashing_ros_launch_sandbox_ws
# Clone this package repository using vcs.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros-security/launch_ros_sandbox/master/launch_ros_sandbox.dashing.repos | vcs import src/
# Install all required system dependencies
rosdep update
rosdep install --ignore-packages-from-source --from-paths src/
# Use colcon to compile launch_ros_sandbox code and all its dependencies
colcon build --packages-up-to launch_ros_sandbox

Latest (unstable development - master branch)

Please follow those instructions if you plan to contribute to this repository.

  • Install all software dependencies required for ROS 2 development by following the ROS 2 documentation.
  • Checkout the code source and compile it as follow:
mkdir -p ~/ros2_latest_ros_launch_sandbox_ws/src
cd ros2_latest_ros_launch_sandbox_ws
# Use vcs to clone all required repositories
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros2/ros2/dashing/ros2.repos | vcs import src/
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros-security/launch_ros_sandbox/master/launch_ros_sandbox.repos | vcs import src/
# Install all required system dependencies
# Some packages may fail to install, this is expected on an unstable branch,
# and is generally OK.
rosdep update
rosdep install -r --rosdistro=eloquent --ignore-packages-from-source --from-paths src/
# Use colcon to compile launch_ros_sandbox code and all its dependencies
colcon build --packages-up-to launch_ros_sandbox


A working example is provided in examples/minimal_sandboxed_node_container.launch.py


Creating a sandboxed node is very similar to creating a regular launch file.

Add a SandboxedNodeContainer() action like you would with a regular launch file, but make sure to provide the sandbox_name and policy. Adding nodes is also similar to regular launch files, however, you should use launch_ros_sandbox.descriptions.SandboxedNode() instead.

A launch file with nodes running as a certain user would look like:

   def generate_launch_description() -> launch.LaunchDescription:
      ld = launch.LaunchDescription()

                        package='demo_nodes_cpp', node_executable='talker'),
                        package='demo_nodes_cpp', node_executable='listener')


This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Build Status

ROS 2 Release Branch Name Development Source Debian Package X86-64 Debian Package ARM64 Debian Package ARMHF Debian package
Latest master Test Pipeline Status N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dashing dashing-devel Build Status Build Status Build Status N/A N/A