
setup-ros installs far too many packages

Closed this issue · 1 comments


By installing the "ros-{distro}-desktop" variant in this action, CI will not correctly verify whether package.xml files are written properly. This action should set up the package manager environment, and install no packages whatsoever, requiring rosdep to run based on the package.xml in the target environment, which would actually validate that its dependencies are set up correctly.

Expected Behavior

If I do not specify a dependency on rclcpp in my package.xml, but I use it in CMake, my build should fail

Actual Behavior

My build succeeds because the entire desktop variant is installed by default.

To Reproduce

System (please complete the following information)

  • OS: Ubuntu [any]
  • ROS 2 Distro: any

Additional context

** Add any other context about the problem here **

This action actually does this already when you do not specify a distribution to install - this was just not immediately clear to me from the API.