
Add support for Galactic

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Completion Criteria

Users can install ROS 2 Galactic (through required-ros-distributions).

Implementation Notes / Suggestions

Galactic isn't currently "released," so it is not currently available through the normal apt repository. However, for now users can use the testing repo (through use-ros2-testing). See:

Testing Notes / Suggestions

Just add galactic to a test matrix.

We should also tag a new release (create 0.1.5 and update v0.1).

I'll actually need to bump to 0.2.0 - to include those colcon version updates we had to revert previously - we'll consider this change potentially API-breaking

I'll actually need to bump to 0.2.0 - to include those colcon version updates we had to revert previously - we'll consider this change potentially API-breaking

oh yeah, you're right! Forgot about that.